Does surface coloring work with ChemPy bricks?  I took the script in
examples/devel/ and changed it to make a ChemPy brick that goes
from [0,0,0]-->[5,5,5] like so

... <examples/devel/> ...
... <examples/devel/> ...

and then loaded up a pdb file with one hydrogen in that box (briktst.pdb)

ATOM      1    H  H     1       2.000   2.50   2.00                       H

and then tried to color the surface with using the ChemPy brick

ramp_new e_lvl, brick, [-0.5, 0.0, 0.5]
set surface_color, e_lvl, briktst
show surface, briktst

but the surface seems to stay white no matter what I do.

Any idea what I'm doing wrong?



Background:  I wrote some code to make APBS and PyMOL play nicely with
eachother.  I wanted to play around with PyMOL's internals a bit, so I
wrote some chunks of that in C.  Now that other people are actually using
that code, it turns out that making sure my source is always up to date
with the CVS source (and ditto for other folk's source) is a bit of a
pain.  So, I tried to rewrite everything in Python and turn APBS's DX maps
into ChemPy bricks.  I get nice isosurfaces, etc, but I can't color the
surface by electrostatic potential. :(.

This isn't a democracy;|                        _  |Michael Lerner
 it's a cheer-ocracy.  | ASCII ribbon campaign ( ) |   Michigan
-Torrence,  Bring It On|  - against HTML email  X  |  Biophysics
                       |                       / \ | mler...@umich

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