Hi PyMOL-users,

I have taken a look into the archives and FAQs about making 300dpi images.
It seems straight forward on the surface, image size in inches * 300dpi
gives the number you put into the ray command.  However, there is mention
of correcting for aspect ratio, which is defined by the viewport.  This
brings me to my question.

Is the viewport aspect ratio dominant and which dimension is dominant?
Here is an example.  I have my viewport set to 800*600.  I want a figure
that is 6in wide at 300 dpi.  So, I render my image at ray 1800, 1800.
Does pymol create white space on the height of my image to maintain the
aspect ratio from the viewport or does it clip width? 

Of course, in this example I have given all the numbers.  I ask for those
times we resize our windows accidently, forget to set the viewport, etc.


Christopher L. Colbert, Ph.D.
Research Associate
Howard Hughes Medical Institute                   Phone: (214) 648 5002
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center   FAX:   (214) 648 5095
5323 Harry Hines Boulevard
Dallas, TX 75390

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