I guess this might seem obvious to some people, but I wanted to use Vectors and Objects3D from pymol scripts, but I couldn't see how.

however, it turns out that if you copy the entire (python) source tree of Scientific - IE:




(er..and restart pymol (this foxed me for a while :) )

you can say :

from Scientific.Geometry import Vector
print Vector((0,0,0))

and get

[0 0 0]

hopefully! Anyway, there might be a better way, but this works. One tiny glitch is the change from Numeric to numarray. This can be 'fixed' ('hacked') by using *cough*perl*cough*:

perl -i -p -e 's/Numeric/numarray/g' *.py */*.py

which should substitiute all instances of 'Numeric' with 'numarray'.

gilleain torrance

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