
[I'm sure this question would be best answered by Warren, but with that as disclaimer... :-) ]

It depends on what exactly you mean by "structure of the program"...

From a user point of view, you can gain some useful insight into the structure of PyMOL from some of the sections in the User's Manual ( and the Reference Manual ( For example, the sections in the User's Manual which explain Atom Selection Macros (, creation of Compiled Graphics Objects (, etc. provide a slightly more detailed hint at the inner working/structure of PyMOL. Likewise, the "PYMOL API" entries for various commands in the Reference Manual serve as a starting point for understanding PyMOL's Python layer, writing python modules to interface with pymol, etc.

From a programmer point of view, probably the most useful sources of information are (i) the various INSTALL, README, PACKAGING, DEVELOPERS, etc. files which are located in the top-level pymol dir, and (ii) the source code itself :-) . Snoop around in the layer*/ include directories for the C-level code, and look around in dirs like modules/pymol, modules/chempy, etc. for Python-level code; see the various Makefiles (Rules.make) to understand how it's all tied together during compilation. Roughly speaking, lower-level functionalities (e.g,. memory caching, vector ops, etc.) are implemented in lower-numbered layers (e.g., layer0/Vector.*), while code for higher-level features (e.g., glut-related stuff, pymol python objects, etc.) is in the higher-numbered layers (e.g., layer4/Menu.*).

Good luck,

=== wrote (on 10/30/2004 08:58 PM): ===

[PyMOL] Easy question
Luciano Abriata <>
Sat, 30 Oct 2004 07:50:43 -0700 (PDT)

Hi PyMOL comunity,

The answer to my question should be rather easy, I

Is there any document explaining which is the
structure of the program?

OK, thank you all



Cameron Mura

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