> I need a few high-quality images of organic molecules for 
> teaching purposes. I've been playing with your latest 
> MacPyMol build all morning and can't seem to find a way of 
> displaying in ball & stick. I can either show spheres or 
> sticks, not B&S. I assume this can be done in MacPyMol. The 
> manual did not shed any light on the situation. Thanks.

show sticks
set valence, on
set stick_ball, on
set stick_ball_ratio, 3
set stick_radius, 0.12

You may wish to play with the exact values to get the look you want.


Warren L. DeLano, Ph.D.                     
Principal Scientist

. DeLano Scientific LLC  
. 400 Oyster Point Blvd., Suite 213           
. South San Francisco, CA 94080    
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