Hi all,

I am overjoyed to announce that DeLano Scientific has grown, at last!  *We*
are now two people full-time: myself and Joni Lam (mailto:j...@delsci.com),
who started today. 
Over coming weeks, Joni, as the Business Operations Manager ('da bom'), will
be assuming responsibility for most business functions at DELSCI, meaning
that I will once again able to devote the bulk of my energy to development
and support of PyMOL.  If time permits (and I expect it will), Joni will
also help us complete that long-overdue PyMOL documentation and participate
in regular PyMOL-related events held at our new South San Francisco office. 

Joni is a former colleague of mine from Sunesis, with 4.5 yrs drug-discovery
experience in biology.  Having done her time at the bench, Joni now looks
forward to a business career in biotechnology or a related field.  Joining
DELSCI was a natural choice for her as a way to gain direct experience
growing a small company for a few years before (likely) heading off to
business school.  Having worked with Joni before, I have complete confidence
that she will do well here.

My hope and expectation is that over the next 2-3 years, we will together
grow DeLano Scientific to that 5 person "critical mass" that a package like
PyMOL needs in order to be fully supported in a commercial sense.  That
means having at least one FTE dedicated to each critical function:
development, support, training & documentation, business, and consulting
services.  We may well grow beyond that, but only if demand warrants it.

And of course, just in case you are wondering:  DELSCI is not about to
abandon its open-source roots in order to achieve business success.  Though
it is clear that we must solidify the "value-proposition" for PyMOL sponsors
(subscribers) in order to continue building a stable revenue base, DELSCI
remains committed to growing the business in synergy with the open-source
project and the vibrant community that has formed around it.  

I thank everyone who currently sponsors PyMOL through maintenance and/or
support subscriptions -- you yourself made this day possible!  Thank you,
thank you, thank you.  For those who aren't currently sponsoring the effort,
I hope you will consider becoming a subscriber over this next year, and
especially once you observe an increased rate of progress.  Your modest
investment today will pay perpetual dividends in the form of improved
scientific tools for everyone.

Have a great weekend!


PS.  We will be out of town for much of the next week, but will be glad to
process new subscriptions or renewals after February 23rd

Warren L. DeLano, Ph.D.                     
Principal Scientist

. DeLano Scientific LLC  
. 400 Oyster Point Blvd., Suite 213           
. South San Francisco, CA 94080    
. Biz:(650)-872-0942  Tech:(650)-872-0834     
. Fax:(650)-872-0273  Cell:(650)-346-1154
. mailto:war...@delsci.com      

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