Hi Grégori

> I tried to exclude the "load" commands from my script, to pre-load the
> structures, display them, be sure that no other windows were
> overlapping the PyMol display window (I even placed the PyMol window
> on another location on > my screen!), and it didn't change anything. I
> also tried to add the "ray" function before the "png" function and
> there the image is complete...

I'm just guessing, but could it be that the "incomplete images" you get
(unless you ray-trace) are not caused by overlapping windows but rather
by the PyMOL progess bar? In normal operation (without ray) you may not
see the progress bar at all, but perhaps it is there when you generate
frames for the movie? AFAIR I get a separate movie progress bar (on
the screen) when I render PyMOL movies.

Kind Regards,

./ Kristoffer

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