Hi all,

I'm still having the same problems with 7174 drivers on quadro (IA32,
don't have any x86_64 machines to test), everything is ok on geforce.
Can't get pymol-0.98beta31 to open with default rendering, but I'm
getting a new error now with the double free or corruption at hex
address when I start it:

OpenGL-based graphics engine:
  GL_VENDOR: NVIDIA Corporation
  GL_VERSION: 1.5.3 NVIDIA 71.74
 Hardware stereo capability detected.
 Adapting to Quadro hardware...
 Detected 2 CPUs.  Enabled multithreaded rendering.
 ObjectMolecule: Read crystal symmetry information.
 Symmetry: Found 16 symmetry operators.
 CmdLoad: "1JGO.pdb" loaded as "1JGO".
*** glibc detected *** double free or corruption (!prev): 0x088d9858 ***
/usr/bin/pymol: line 14: 26572 Aborted
$PYMOL_PATH/pymol.exe $*

VMD still crashes with certain representation that I outlined in a
previous email to vmd-l.

Sabuj Pattanayek

tree wrote:
> NVidia:
> I just got the 7174 driver (for 64-bit Linux).  PyMol works fine, no
> crashes.  What do other folks see with 7174?  My openGL apps run
> nominally faster on 7174 than they do on 6629.
> Nuccyl:
> As there was little response from the PyMol audience, I will go ahead an
> add Nuccyl to the PyMol wiki myself.  Please make changes as you see
> fit, since I'm not nucleic acids/Nuccyl savvy.
> Regards,
> -- Jason

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