Hi Shawn,

As you can see when you select the generate electrostatic surface within PyMol - Warren has stated that it is "unvalidated experimental code" and the results should be viewed with skepticism. If you want publishable electrostatics calculated using more realistic estimates of dielectric constants then you should use eithe APBS, GRASp, or some other Poisson Boltzman solver. Personally I wouldn't put figures generated from PyMols internal electrostatics calculations any any publication.


On Apr 10, 2005, at 9:29 AM, Shawn Milano wrote:


I want to show an electrostatic surface of my protein for publication. In Pymol, I believe I can use generate-vacuum electrostatics. However, I am not
quite sure what the difference is between absolute and relative protein
surface potential. Could you help me with this? Second, I have a question about the slider that appears after the surface is calculated. What do the numbers represent, and what is changing as you slide to the left and right. I want to use the figure for publication and make sure I understand how to
explain it properly.



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