Hi all,
I have a session that I am completely unable to render. If I just issue a "ray" command, the view window shows a progress bar and the command window eventually reports that raytracing has finished normally, but the view window isn't updated with the raytraced image. If I try to png the output, all I get is the OpenGL image. If I specify a size larger than the view windows (eg - "ray 1600,800") I don't even get the white-screen "image too big for window" message.

The only thing I can think of that might be funky about the scene is two objects with different cartoon transparencies. But if I set them to both have the same transparency, no dice. This behavior occurs with this session across computers and across OSes (WinXP and OSX). Has anyone else seen this? Warren, if this is a bug, shall I send you the scene file?


Jacob Corn
The Berger Lab
UC Berkeley - Molecular and Cell Biology
phone: 510-643-8893
fax: 510-643-9290

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