Demetres & Roger,

I've had the same problem w/ stereo on FC4 (tested only w/ an nVidia Quadro 700 XGL card), and have been meaning to mail the list. The problem occurs even after taking the typical steps to set-up the nVidia drivers on the system (as described by Roger), and also occurs w/ hadrware quad-buffered stereo in other molecular graphics software (e.g., PyMOL and VMD -- so I've cc'd this email to those lists too). I haven't had time to really troubleshoot it yet (by fiddling around w/ X and whatnot), so if anyone else sees this stereo/FC4 problem -- or, even better, can explain it! -- it'd be great to hear about it...


=== wrote (on 07/27/2005 03:46 PM): ===

[o-info] Problems with stereo emitter
"Demetres D. Leonidas" <>
Wed, 27 Jul 2005 16:39:13 +0300


Dear Ousers,

We have just got a Celsius K330 workstation with an NVIDIA Quadro FX1300 128MB PCI-Ex stereo card and installed FC4. I did all the necessary modifications to the xorg.conf file to enable STEREO with O and when I hit F1 I get in the screen the stereoview. However, the emitter (NuVision 60GX) does not flash and hence the glasses do not work. The emitter is plugged on the 3-pin plug in the card. What do I do wrong ? Is there a special connector that I should use.

Many thanks



RE: [o-info] Problems with stereo emitter
"Roger Rowlett" <>
Wed, 27 Jul 2005 11:05:55 -0400
"Demetres D. Leonidas" <>, <>

"Demetres D. Leonidas" <>, <>

The following steps are typical for enabling stereo in O 9.0 with an
Nvidia card and NuVision 60GX emitter/glasses:

1. Install the proprietary Nvidia graphics driver. In the XF86Config (or
its equivalent), the following settings should be included under the
Videocard0 device:
        Driver "nvidia"
        Option "Stereo" "3"

2. Plug the NiVision emitter 3-pin mini-DIN connector to the appropriate
graphics card socket.

3. Start O with stereo enabled, which will require setting the
environment variable STEREO to "on". I use a script, ono9-3d:

#! /bin/tcsh
setenv STEREO on
setenv ODAT /usr/local/bin/ono9/data/

When O is started, you should see the red light on the stero emitter
immediately, whether or not you are using stereo.

It's useful to have a script for both 3d-O and 2d-O as for some Nvidia
drivers, as graphics response can be slow when the environment variable
STEREO is set to "on" but stereo viewing is not enabled. I have a second
script, ono9, which is identical to ono9-3d except that the second line
(setting STEREO on) is omitted. This allows O to run quickly in 2d mode,
for those occasions when I don't want to use the glasses.

I'm using RH9, an NVidia Quadro 980XGL, and the Nuvision 60GX and
everything works flawlessly, other than the "slow non-stereo response"
bug when stereo is "on". I'm still using version 4363 NVidia drivers, as
there are issues with some legacy software with the newer drivers. Works
fine anyway. Stereo also works flawlessly in VMD, PyMol, MolMol, and


Roger S. Rowlett
Professor & Chair
Department of Chemistry
Colgate University
13 Oak Drive
Hamilton, NY 13346

tel: 315-228-7245
ofc: 315-228-7395
fax: 315-228-7935

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