Michael Morbious wrote:

> Dear All,
> I am a new pymol user. Does anyone know if it is
> possible to merge four units (all units are same) of a
> tetrameric assembly by using pymol? Each unit has the
> same Id and when I load each of them, they overlap. 
> If you please help me, I will be really pleased.

If I understand you correctly, you have four (identical) subunits in
four PDB-files?

The easiest way (sans Pymol) might be:

cat file1.pdb file2.pdb file3.pdb file4.pdb > all.pdb

This assumes, that the coordinates are not (more or less) identical,
because in this case you would end up with all four structures overlaid,
in which case you must do some coordinate transformations to arrange
them properly. If you don't know the orientation of the molecules (from
a template for example) this is non-trivial.

cat is available on all UNIX and Mac OS X systems and can be downloaded
as command-line exe-file for Windows.

There is certainly a more elegang Pymol-only sollution for this.


Marc Saric

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