Default view, white with black background (sticks):
Ray: total time: 15.68 sec. = 229.5 frames/hour. (15.68 sec. accum.)

Surface ray (white w/ black background):
Ray: total time: 32.67 sec. = 110.2 frames/hour. (48.35 sec. accum.)

About the times I've been seeing for equivalent work I've been doing.  
Different system but your times don't sound too different from what I've seen 
on our dual-G5 2.0 GHz with an older Radeon card.  I'm running an Opteron 150 
(2.4GHz) with 1GB DDR400 ECC registered and an MSI FX5700 LE on FC4.

On Monday 21 November 2005 13:51, Michele Fuortes wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a 2GHz G5, 6GB RAM, running OS X 10.4.3 server.
> I started doing some modeling after about 6 months hiatus.
> I'm using MacPymol 0.99b29 (no flickering with this).
> But....
> it's slower than molasses. I get:
>   Ray: total time: 16.16 sec. = 222.8 frames/hour (32.15 sec. accum.).
> This is simple white surface on white black background, nothing
> changed from default.
> It a fairly small molecule, 600 resi, 5400 atoms.
> My card is the stock ATI Radeon 9800 Pro.
> Could it be I messed up something with OpenGL?
> Why is it so slooowwwww
> Thanks
> Michele
> PS: would anybody with a similar setup try 1ALK.pdb show surface in
> white and tell my the time to ray?
> Mine is:
> Ray: total time: 25.45 sec. = 141.4 frames/hour (57.60 sec. accum.).
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Stuart Endo-Streeter
Structural Biology and Biophysics
Dept. Biochemistry
Duke University

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