Hi all,

I would like to translate and rotate a protein in pymol such that the pdb coordinates place the center at a specific atom in the pdb structure. For example, if the atom of interest has the coordinates [14.911 23.457 1.534], then I would the pdb coordinates to be [0 0 0].

I've tried to use the "translate" keyword from the command line:

>> translate [-14.911 -23.457 -1.534]

However I get the following error message:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Program Files\DeLano Scientific\PyMOL/modules\pymol\parser.py", line 188, in parse
File "C:\Program Files\DeLano Scientific\PyMOL/modules\pymol\editing.py", line 1126, in translate
    vector = [float(vector[0]),float(vector[1]),float(vector[2])]

Any help out there?

Muchos Gracias,

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