Dear Pymol users,

We have a problem with one of our hardware stereo equipped PCs.

For some reason, hardware stereo works fine for about 30sec but than switches to an inverted 3D image. And it keeps switching back and forth between the 'normal' 3D image and the inverted one, every 30sec. This is pretty annoying and even after reinstalling winXP, the right nvidia driver and playing around with all possible nvidia settings, we cannot find the problem. The problem is not Pymol specific, having the same problem in DSviewer. Does anybody recognize this problem?

The PC (AMD X2, 4GB, Nvidia quadro4 980XGL) is running winXP and one of the latest pymol builds (1.0r2). The monitor is a high-end 21" (EIZO Flexscan T966) and we are using a stereographics emitter.

Thanks a lot in advance.

Joris Beld
ETH Zürich

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