Hi Warren,

I've read 'Executive.c' under '/trunk/pymol/layer3', it seems that you've
pre-defined all the cases that button actions and popup menu changes in
function ' ExecutiveClick ', I can understand only part of it. Now, I'm
wondering that if I want to implement my thought ( - left-click the C-alpha
atom in the structure, there will be a PopUp window coming out with
self-defined information in the Viewer window), I have to modify the source
code in C-layer and compile the whole source? Am I right? Or, is there any
trick to do this in Python-layer?


On Sun, Jun 22, 2008 at 1:59 PM, NeO <bobop...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear Warren,
> How are you?
> I'm writing a wizard, in which I want to implement the function that when I
> left-click the C-alpha atom, there will be a PopUp window coming out with my
> defined information in the Viewer window. I can do it using
> 'tkMessageBox.showinfo', but I want to make it beautiful.
> I know that when you left-double click or right-click the protein
> structure, the popup menu show up. I read the source code of 'menu.py', I'm
> not sure in the function, the parameter 'self_cmd', what's it for? where the
> menu functions are called? If I figure it out, I think I can code it in my
> wizard.
> Hope you can help me :)
> Best Wishes
> Fengyuan

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