Try this one

select allothers, chain 0:4 or chain C:J or chain L:Z


On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 3:34 PM, Sean Moore <> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to find an easier way to select multiple chains at once in
> a large file with many chains (PDB 2i2t).  The chain assignments
> exceed "z" and start again at "0" at the beginning of the chain list.
> In an effort to select chain 0-4, skip chain A+B, select chain C-J,
> skip chain K, and select the remaining L-Z, I have tried (among other
> things):
> select allothers, chain 0-4 and C-J and L-Z (the dashes don't seem to
> work for select)
> select allothers, chain 0:4 and C:J and L:Z
> select allothers, chain 0:4 and chain C:J and chain L:Z
> select allothers, (chain 0:4) and (chain C:J) and (chain L:Z)
> selecting chain 0+4 works, and selecting chain 0:4 works.
> As it stands I have to click all of the chains then rename the
> selection which leads to mistakes.
> Any help is appreciated.
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