Thanks for your kind help, Tsjerk.

> Hi Ramiro,
> Assuming your rings are nicely planar, and representing the ring as:
> 1-2-3
> |     |
> 6-5-4
> you can get the plane normal vector as the vector cross product from
> (3)-(1) and (5)-(1).

OK. But I just started to use pymol. Which are the commands to do so?
I know how to get the coordinates of a selected atom, but need the pymol
commands to treat the data:
a) How to create the vectors from 1->3 and from 1->5
b) How to treat the vectors to perform the vector cross product

> Doing so for both rings gives you the two normal vectors. The angle
> then follows from the dot product of the (normalized) normal vectors:
> angle = acos(n1 . n2)

Again, I would need the commands to:
c) Normalize the vectors (how to set their modules = 1)

I also guess n1 and n2 represent the normalized vectors, don't they? So
this command is very clear :)

> It becomes a bit more elaborate if the planes are not planar :)
> Hope it helps,
> Tsjerk

Again, thanks very much in advance for your kind help.

> On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 10:53 AM, Ramiro Téllez Sanz
> <> wrote:
>> Hi everyone and thanks for reading this!
>> I am interested in measuring the angle between aromatic ring planes.
>> Is there any easy way/script to do it?
>> One way that came to my mind is creating a pseudoatom representing the
>> centroid for each ring (I already know how to do that), then drawing two
>> lines perpendicularly to the planes from both centroids, and finally
>> measuring the angle between the lines. Will that be possible? How could
>> this be done?
>> Is there any other way? I'm completely clueless. Any help will be
>> greatly appreciated.
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Ramiro Tellez Sanz
>> Dept. Physical Chemistry
>> University of Almeria
>> Spain
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