Hi Ron,

tab completion is controlled by the cmd.auto_arg variable, which is a 
list of dictionaries.


For all arguments which do not have an entry in auto_arg, the default is 
to auto-complete file names. For your purpose you need to define 
something like this:

import glob
cmd.auto_arg[0]['save'] = [
   lambda: cmd.Shortcut(cmd.get_names() + glob.glob('*')),
   'filename or object name', '']
python end


Ron Jacak wrote, On 10/17/12 22:25:
> PyMOL-users,
> I'm wondering if there's a way to make the tab completion engine use
> the currently loaded (or visible) object names rather than (or in
> addition to) the files in the filesystem?  I usually have sessions
> with very long object names that I want to include in custom selection
> expressions and the tab completion doesn't work because oftentimes the
> PDB files are not in the same directory as the session.  I found the
> function complete() in modules/pymol/parsing.py that seems to be what
> figures out how to complete the command that's been entered.  I think
> if I just added a list of the currently loaded objects to the list
> obtained by globbing the filesystem, it would do what I'm looking for.
>  Any ideas on the best way to do that?
> Best,
> -Ron

Thomas Holder
MPI for Developmental Biology
Spemannstr. 35
D-72076 Tübingen

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