Dear Pymol users!

For better visualization of the MMGBSA outputs from MD performed for 10 ligands
agains 1 receptor-target I wonder to map per-residue decomposition
data from each of the systems onto the receptor's 3D structure.
Eventually I'd like to produce 10 cartoon diagrams which would differs
in the coloring according to the difference in the contribution of
residues from the receptor's cavity to binding for different ligands.
I will be very thankful if someone provide me with ideas of how such
visualization could be done using receptors structure, decomposition
logs as the inputs and/or pymol.  Here some general idea whig came in
mind-  import column from the mmgbsa.log directly (with number of
rows= number of receptors residues) to the receptor.pdb B-factors
column (for instance making meaningful value for C-alpha atom and 0
for the rest). Will be very thankful for some examples of how it could
be achieved e.g using combination of awk_sed if more trivial way is
not exist.

Thanks for help!!


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