Hi Dirk,

cmd.iterate is actually the most efficient function to access atom properties. 
If you want a wrapper which directly gets b and q for one atom, it could look 
like this (returns a dictionary):

from pymol import cmd
def get_signle_atom_props(selection, props=['b', 'q'], quiet=1):
    if isinstance(props, basestring):
        props = cmd.safe_list_eval(props)
    expr = ','.join((repr(k) + ':' + k) for k in props)
    expr = '_r.update({' + expr + '})'
    r = {}
    n = cmd.iterate(selection, expr, space={'_r': r})
    if n > 1:
        print ' Warning: selections spans more than one atom'
    if not int(quiet):
        print r
    return r

You can use the "first" operator to limit your selection to one atom:
print get_single_atom_props('first polymer')


On 27 Aug 2015, at 06:27, Dirk Kostrewa <kostr...@genzentrum.lmu.de> wrote:

> Dear PyMOLers,
> I have trouble to find out, which command I could use in a python script 
> to get the b-factor and occupancy of a single atom.
> In the script library, I only found examples getting b-factors iterating 
> over a selection.
> Although, I could iterate over one atom, only, is there a more elegant 
> way of getting the b-factor and occupancy of a single atom?
> Best regards,
> Dirk.
> -- 
> *******************************************************
> Dirk Kostrewa
> Gene Center Munich, A5.07
> Department of Biochemistry
> Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
> Feodor-Lynen-Str. 25
> D-81377 Munich
> Germany
> Phone:  +49-89-2180-76845
> Fax:    +49-89-2180-76999
> E-mail: kostr...@genzentrum.lmu.de
> WWW:    www.genzentrum.lmu.de
> *******************************************************

Thomas Holder
PyMOL Principal Developer
Schrödinger, Inc.

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