I am not really sure what you are trying to do, but understanding cartoon
putty may be too much for what you are trying to achieve. But I think that
changing all you atoms to "CA" and using:

set cartoon_trace_atoms, 1

would do the trick.


On Mon, Oct 5, 2015 at 10:42 AM, Clavel <dcla...@ibs.fr> wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> I would like to create my own command within the pymol environement.
> I have currently a set of points in a pdb files with b-factors that i
> would like to represent as the *cartoon putty* command is doing.(ie pdb
> file)
> The main problem is that I don't precisely know what *cartoon putty* is
> doing.
> So I would like to know where the code of cartoon putty is hidden in pymol
> and how the code could be modify in order to work on all atoms rather than
> CA.
> Many thanks,
> --
> *Damien CLAVEL*
> Cellphone +33 7 81 66 61 70
> Landline   +33 4 57 42 87 35
> PhD student at Laboratoire Chimie Physique (UP Sud)
>                 and Institut de Biologie Structurale (EPN Campus)
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     Laboratoire de Chimie Physique
> <http://www.lcp.u-psud.fr/rubrique.php3?id_rubrique=266/>    Institut de
> Biologie Structurale <http://www.ibs.fr/spip.php?lang=en>
>     Bul. 350 Campus Orsay                 EPN Campus
>     15, Av. Jean Perrin                         6, rue Jules Horowitz
>     F-91405 ORSAY Cedex                 F-38000 GRENOBLE
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