there is no mpeg_encode.exe binary.

mpeg_encode, as far as I am aware, has long been abandoned. You can find
what I believe is the last version of the source code (1.5c) at , you
can download by clicking the files with the up arrow (I know, those symbols
make no sense).

It uses an old version of libjpeg with apis that have been long abandoned.

Basically, you don't have a binary for what I think is a long abandoned
program that depends on old versions of libraries.

Hopefully someone else will tell me there's some magical updated version
floating around out there, but I doubt it. Otherwise, no new features in 20
years and no bug/compatibility fixes in 13.


On Mon, Oct 19, 2015 at 8:36 AM, <> wrote:

> Dear Pymol community,
> Im using Pymol 1.7.6 and created a morph movie. Looks nice on screen!
> However when I tried to save the movie, I get an *error*:
> ----------------------
> *produce**: creating 'C:/Users/hcvanleeuwen/Desktop/test2.mpg' (in
> background)...*
> *please wait ...*
> *Error**: mpeg_encode did not run*
> *Traceback (most recent call last):*
> *  File "C:\Program Files\PyMOL\\PyMOL/modules\freemol\",
> line 35, in run*
> *    mpeg_encode_in, mpeg_encode_out, mpeg_encode_err =
> os.popen3(_mpeg_encode_exe)*
> *WindowsError**: [Error 2] The system cannot find the file specified:
> 'Ex: C\\Temp /c "C:\\Program
> Files\\PyMOL\\\\PyMOL\\ext\\bin\\mpeg_encode.exe"'*
> *produce: compression failed*
> ---------------------
> Anyone suggestions how to solve this?
> Thanks in advance,
> Hans van Leeuwen
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