Dear Pymol community,

We are students at the Hanze University of Applied Sciences, the Netherlands.

Together with our teachers, Tsjerk Wassenaar and Jasper Bosman, we are working 
on integrating

the leap motion sensor (hand gesture sensor) into Pymol for moving, and 
altering the display of, molecules in Pymol.

We want to create a menu within the GUI of Pymol that will be operated by hand 
gestures (the amount of extended fingers)

and display what gestures you can make to manipulate the program.

Is there a built in way to add/create a menu within Pymol? We have looked on 
the Pymol wiki, tried googling

(keywords: 'pymol edit mouse viewing menu', 'Pymol external GUI', 'pymol adding 
GUI', 'pymol viewing menu', and so on...),

read some of the source code and searched the Pymol user mailing list archive,

but haven't found a suitable solution.

In short:

How do we go about adding an internal menu above the 'mouse mode' menu or adding

an external window that will run alongside Pymol representing a menu,

and adding in our own attributes?

Thanks in advance,

Casper Peters and Johan Shcneiders.


Here are our e-mail addresses for contacting us:

Casper Peters:

Johan Schneiders:
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