I am surprised by the PyMOL error message with the following commands:

# this is fine
color red; label *, name

# reversing the order causes problems
label *, name; color red

PyMOL>label *, name; color red
  File "", line 1
    name; color red
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
Label-Error: failed to compile expression
 Label: labelled 0 atoms.

Replacing 'name' with 'resi' or 'resn' etc has the same result.

Issuing each command separately works as expected. The error message shows
up only if "label *, name" is followed by another command, on the same line.

I am using "Version Open-Source" on macOS.

Any ideas?



Xiang-Jun Lu (Ph.D.)
Email: xiang...@x3dna.org
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