try as I might I cannot get quad buffered stereo to work in pymol since
version 2 was released. Tried up to 2.3.
My emitter does not even switch on.
pymol 1.8.6 is still good to go in stereo mode, so whats happened? Has
stereo been dropped in version 2?

using nvideo control panel and real D emitter with nuvision glasses on
windows 7 and a CRT display - Quadro card with DIN plug.

Also tried using nvidia 3D vision with a TFT stereo display (USB controlled
emitter). Thats also good with 1.8.6 but not 2.2 or 2.3

Any ideas what to try? Or let me know its no longer a feature please.


Prof. Gary J. Hunter

Laboratory of Biochemistry and Protein Science

Department of Physiology and Biochemistry

University of Malta

Msida MSD 2080


phone: +356 2340 2917

mobile: +356 7931 9138

phone: +356 21316655 (departmental secretary)

Fax: +356 21310577

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