I have recently prepared a script for Pymol that works well in
evaluating RMSD values for a list of residues from proteins of interest
(targetted residues are generated by script embedded commands). However,
I wished to implement the script to allow the user to select what
residues to analyse. I have tried to use the INPUT function, but it
fails to work. Since the code is a bit long, I simplified progressively
the scripts to find out the problem. In that way, I ended up with the
following two scripts: 

import Bio.PDB
import numpy as
from pymol import cmd
import os,glob
from LFGA_functions import

List_tot = user_entered()
print (List_tot)
which calls
the simple "user_entered" function that is inside the "My_function.py"
script, which generates the residue numbers for the same residue in a
hexameric protein:
def user_entered():
    List_res = []
List_tot = []
    a = input("Please indicate the number of residues to
analyze/per monomer:")
    numberRes =int(a)
    for i in
        Res = input("Please provide each residue
NUMBER and hit ENTER:")
        Res1 = int(Res)
        Res2 =
        Res3 = Res1+3000
        Res4 = Res1+4000
= Res1+5000
        Res6 = Res1+6000
        List_res =
    return List_tot
The script "test.py"
works well when directly executed by Python (3.7.5, which is installed
with Pymol 2.3.4,under Windows 7 Prof) from a windows command line. This
is an example of what I get: 

[first input "3" indicates that 3 cases
will be treated, followed by the identification number for each residue]

However, when the script is run from Pymol GUI, I get the following
error message:


Here the error in more detail:

File "C:\Program Files\PyMOL\lib\site-packages\pymol\parsing.py", line
527, in execfile
    exec(co, global_ns, local_ns)
  File "C:/Program
Files/PyMOL/Lib/test.py", line 7, in <module>
    List_tot =
  File "C:\Program Files\PyMOL\lib\LFGA_functions.py",
line 18, in user_entered
    a = input("Please indicate the number of
residues to analyze/per monomer:")

Does anybody know what is the
problem. Please, take into account that I am a very basic Python user...

I profit also to ask something related to this problem... in the
original script that works well when run from Pymol (before trying to
implement the "input" option), I stored transiently some data (residue
name, type and chain) in the form of a Python "set". I need a set, and
not a list, because it removes automatically data repeatitions. However,
when I try to run the script from Python (with intention to overcome the
abovementioned problem with INPUT from Pymol), it stops with a message:

name 'close_to_A' not defined. 

This name corresponds to the set
name, which is defined as follows within the
cmd.select("in_A", "Average and chain A near_to 5 of chain
close_to_A =
shall I define a set in Python 3 ? Why does it work when run from Pymol

I would really appreciate if you could help me to solve these two
problems. Thank you in advance,

Best regards,


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