I have two receptors and their active sites for which I need to draw about
70 separate ligand-active site images (.png).  Both active sites are saved
in session files (.pse) based on 3D coordinates from pdbqt files after
prepping for Vina docking.   The ligand 3D coordinates are based on
*_out.pdbqt files from docking with Vina.  


After opening a .pse file to show the surface of the active site, the
following automated steps are needed:


1.      Open a ligand docking output file, ligandname_out.pdbqt, and
automatically orient the active site (the site coordinates jump a little as
soon as each ligand docking output file is opened).   So the same active
site orientation is needed so images are consistent.
2.      Adjust the brightness level (mouse thumbwheel) so that each saved
image has a consistent look.
3.      On the ligand, removes valence.
4.      Change the color of the ligand using Color-->Elements-->Green
5.      On the ligand, Find-->Polar contacts-->To any atom (is there away to
get counts of H-bonds)
6.      Save PNG using ligand name.


(need to also programmatically hit Return after code is pasted into command


Once I get something that works after pasting the code for the above 6 steps
into the command line, and discover that the image is saved, I can then
write my own code to clone the commands, and substitute all the ligand file


Certainly, someone has already written code to autodraw a docked ligand
(from Vina) sitting in an active site?  



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