Dear Pymol Users!
I am dealing with the analysis of the results of protein-ligand
docking poses representing the multi-model pdb.  I need to find a
possibility (e.g. via some script that could be executed in the pymol)
to compare each docking pose with the X-ray structure (loaded as the
separate model in pymol) in order to find automatically the model (=
docking solution) which may fit better to it (e.g. via estimating RMSD
of some part of the ligand in each docking solution compared to the
X-ray structure).

Assuming that the both pdbs ((docking poses, and X-ray structure))
have been superimposed (based on the protein atoms) how could I
automatically switch to the model (in the ensemble) with the identical
position of the ligand as in the X-ray structure?  I would be grateful
for any suggestions
With kind regards,

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