Author: Armin Rigo <>
Changeset: r60955:81cb7e69c819
Date: 2013-02-08 09:05 +0100

Log:    merge heads

diff --git a/pypy/module/zipimport/ 
--- a/pypy/module/zipimport/
+++ b/pypy/module/zipimport/
@@ -172,24 +172,24 @@
             return mtime
     def check_newer_pyfile(self, space, filename, timestamp):
+        # check if the timestamp stored in the .pyc is matching
+        # the actual timestamp of the .py file, if any
         mtime = self._parse_mtime(space, filename)
         if mtime == 0:
             return False
-        return mtime > timestamp
-    def check_compatible_mtime(self, space, filename, timestamp):
-        mtime = self._parse_mtime(space, filename)
-        if mtime == 0 or mtime != (timestamp & (~1)):
-            return False
-        return True
+        # Lenient date/time comparison function. The precision of the mtime
+        # in the archive is lower than the mtime stored in a .pyc: we
+        # must allow a difference of at most one second.
+        d = mtime - timestamp
+        if d < 0:
+            d = -d
+        return d > 1    # more than one second => different
     def can_use_pyc(self, space, filename, magic, timestamp):
         if magic != importing.get_pyc_magic(space):
             return False
         if self.check_newer_pyfile(space, filename[:-1], timestamp):
             return False
-        if not self.check_compatible_mtime(space, filename, timestamp):
-            return False
         return True
     def import_pyc_file(self, space, modname, filename, buf, pkgpath):
diff --git a/pypy/module/zipimport/test/ 
--- a/pypy/module/zipimport/test/
+++ b/pypy/module/zipimport/test/
@@ -95,6 +95,9 @@
         self.w_modules = []
+    def w_now_in_the_future(self, delta):
+ += delta
     def w_writefile(self, filename, data):
         import sys
         import time
@@ -264,10 +267,12 @@
         import os
         import zipimport
         data = "saddsadsa"
+        pyc_data = self.test_pyc
+        self.now_in_the_future(+5)   # write the zipfile 5 secs after the .pyc
         self.writefile("xxx", data)
         self.writefile("xx/", "5")
         self.writefile("", "3")
-        self.writefile('uu.pyc', self.test_pyc)
+        self.writefile('uu.pyc', pyc_data)
         z = zipimport.zipimporter(self.zipfile)
         assert z.get_data(self.zipfile + os.sep + "xxx") == data
         assert z.is_package("xx")
@@ -277,6 +282,7 @@
         raises(ImportError, "z.get_source('zz')")
         #assert z.get_code('yy') == py.code.Source('3').compile()
         #assert z.get_code('uu') ==
+        assert z.get_code('uu')
         assert z.get_code('xx')
         assert z.get_source('xx') == "5"
         assert z.archive == self.zipfile
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