Author: Philip Jenvey <>
Branch: py3k
Changeset: r70403:10edbabbaae9
Date: 2014-04-02 11:22 -0700

Log:    merge default

diff --git a/lib-python/2.7/test/ 
--- a/lib-python/2.7/test/
+++ b/lib-python/2.7/test/
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
 import tempfile
 import unittest
 import argparse
+import gc
 from StringIO import StringIO
@@ -47,7 +48,11 @@
     def tearDown(self):
-        shutil.rmtree(self.temp_dir, True)
+        gc.collect()
+        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.temp_dir, topdown=False):
+            for name in files:
+                os.chmod(os.path.join(self.temp_dir, name), stat.S_IWRITE)
+        shutil.rmtree(self.temp_dir, True)        
     def create_readonly_file(self, filename):
         file_path = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, filename)
diff --git a/pypy/doc/faq.rst b/pypy/doc/faq.rst
--- a/pypy/doc/faq.rst
+++ b/pypy/doc/faq.rst
@@ -429,12 +429,27 @@
 Could we use LLVM?
-There is a (static) translation backend using LLVM in the branch
-``llvm-translation-backend``.  It can translate PyPy with or without the JIT on
+In theory yes.  But we tried to use it 5 or 6 times already, as a
+translation backend or as a JIT backend --- and failed each time.
-Using LLVM as our JIT backend looks interesting as well -- we made an attempt,
-but it failed: LLVM has no way to patch the generated machine code.
+In more details: using LLVM as a (static) translation backend is
+pointless nowadays because you can generate C code and compile it with
+clang.  (Note that compiling PyPy with clang gives a result that is not
+faster than compiling it with gcc.)  We might in theory get extra
+benefits from LLVM's GC integration, but this requires more work on the
+LLVM side before it would be remotely useful.  Anyway, it could be
+interfaced via a custom primitive in the C code.  (The latest such
+experimental backend is in the branch ``llvm-translation-backend``,
+which can translate PyPy with or without the JIT on Linux.)
+On the other hand, using LLVM as our JIT backend looks interesting as
+well --- but again we made an attempt, and it failed: LLVM has no way to
+patch the generated machine code.
+So the position of the core PyPy developers is that if anyone wants to
+make an N+1'th attempt with LLVM, they are welcome, and will be happy to
+provide help in the IRC channel, but they are left with the burden of proof
+that (a) it works and (b) it gives important benefits.
 How do I compile PyPy?
diff --git a/pypy/doc/stm.rst b/pypy/doc/stm.rst
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pypy/doc/stm.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+Transactional Memory
+.. contents::
+This page is about ``pypy-stm``, a special in-development version of
+PyPy which can run multiple independent CPU-hungry threads in the same
+process in parallel.  It is side-stepping what is known in the Python
+world as the "global interpreter lock (GIL)" problem.
+"STM" stands for Software Transactional Memory, the technique used
+internally.  This page describes ``pypy-stm`` from the perspective of a
+user, describes work in progress, and finally gives references to more
+implementation details.
+This work was done by Remi Meier and Armin Rigo.
+Introduction and current status
+``pypy-stm`` is a variant of the regular PyPy interpreter.  With caveats
+listed below, it should be in theory within 25%-50% of the speed of
+PyPy, comparing the JITting version in both cases.  It is called STM for
+Software Transactional Memory, which is the internal technique used (see
+`Reference to implementation details`_).
+**pypy-stm requires 64-bit Linux for now.**
+Development is done in the branch `stmgc-c7`_.  If you are only
+interested in trying it out, you can download a Ubuntu 12.04 binary
+here__.  The current version supports four "segments", which means that
+it will run up to four threads in parallel (in other words, you get a
+GIL effect again, but only if trying to execute more than 4 threads).
+To build a version from sources, you first need to compile a custom
+version of clang; we recommend downloading `llvm and clang like
+described here`__, but at revision 201645 (use ``svn co -r 201645 ...``
+for all checkouts).  Then apply all the patches in `this directory`__:
+they are fixes for the very extensive usage that pypy-stm does of a
+clang-only feature (without them, you get crashes of clang).  Then get
+the branch `stmgc-c7`_ of PyPy and run::
+   rpython/bin/rpython -Ojit --stm pypy/goal/
+.. _`stmgc-c7`:
+.. __:
+.. __:
+.. __:
+* It should generally work.  Please do `report bugs`_ that manifest as a
+  crash or wrong behavior (markedly different from the behavior of a
+  regular PyPy).  Performance bugs are likely to be known issues; we're
+  working on them.
+* The JIT warm-up time is abysmal (as opposed to the regular PyPy's,
+  which is "only" bad).  Moreover, you should run it with a command like
+  ``pypy-stm --jit trace_limit=60000 args...``; the default value of
+  6000 for ``trace_limit`` is currently too low (6000 should become
+  reasonable again as we improve).  Also, in order to produce machine
+  code, the JIT needs to enter a special single-threaded mode for now.
+  This all means that you *will* get very bad performance results if
+  your program doesn't run for *many* seconds for now.
+* The GC is new; although clearly inspired by PyPy's regular GC, it
+  misses a number of optimizations for now.  Programs allocating large
+  numbers of small objects that don't immediately die, as well as
+  programs that modify large lists or dicts, suffer from these missing
+  optimizations.
+* The GC has no support for destructors: the ``__del__`` method is
+  never called (including on file objects, which won't be closed for
+  you).  This is of course temporary.
+* The STM system is based on very efficient read/write barriers, which
+  are mostly done (their placement could be improved a bit in
+  JIT-generated machine code).  But the overall bookkeeping logic could
+  see more improvements (see Statistics_ below).
+* You can use `atomic sections`_, but the most visible missing thing is
+  that you don't get reports about the "conflicts" you get.  This would
+  be the first thing that you need in order to start using atomic
+  sections more extensively.  Also, for now: for better results, try to
+  explicitly force a transaction break just before (and possibly after)
+  each large atomic section, with ``time.sleep(0)``.
+* Forking the process is slow because the complete memory needs to be
+  copied manually right now.
+* Very long-running processes should eventually crash on an assertion
+  error because of a non-implemented overflow of an internal 29-bit
+  number, but this requires at the very least ten hours --- more
+  probably, several days or more.
+.. _`report bugs`:
+When a non-main thread finishes, you get statistics printed to stderr,
+looking like that::
+      thread 0x7f73377fe600:
+          outside transaction          42182  0.506 s
+          run current                  85466  0.000 s
+          run committed                34262  3.178 s
+          run aborted write write       6982  0.083 s
+          run aborted write read         550  0.005 s
+          run aborted inevitable         388  0.010 s
+          run aborted other                0  0.000 s
+          wait free segment                0  0.000 s
+          wait write read                 78  0.027 s
+          wait inevitable                887  0.490 s
+          wait other                       0  0.000 s
+          bookkeeping                  51418  0.606 s
+          minor gc                    162970  1.135 s
+          major gc                         1  0.019 s
+          sync pause                   59173  1.738 s
+          spin loop                   129512  0.094 s
+The first number is a counter; the second number gives the associated
+time (the amount of real time that the thread was in this state; the sum
+of all the times should be equal to the total time between the thread's
+start and the thread's end).  The most important points are "run
+committed", which gives the amount of useful work, and "outside
+transaction", which should give the time spent e.g. in library calls
+(right now it seems to be a bit larger than that; to investigate).
+Everything else is overhead of various forms.  (Short-, medium- and
+long-term future work involves reducing this overhead :-)
+These statistics are not printed out for the main thread, for now.
+Atomic sections
+While one of the goal of pypy-stm is to give a GIL-free but otherwise
+unmodified Python, the other goal is to push for a better way to use
+multithreading.  For this, you (as the Python programmer) get an API
+in the ``__pypy__.thread`` submodule:
+* ``__pypy__.thread.atomic``: a context manager (i.e. you use it in
+  a ``with __pypy__.thread.atomic:`` statement).  It runs the whole
+  block of code without breaking the current transaction --- from
+  the point of view of a regular CPython/PyPy, this is equivalent to
+  saying that the GIL will not be released at all between the start and
+  the end of this block of code.
+The obvious usage is to use atomic blocks in the same way as one would
+use locks: to protect changes to some shared data, you do them in a
+``with atomic`` block, just like you would otherwise do them in a ``with
+mylock`` block after ``mylock = thread.allocate_lock()``.  This allows
+you not to care about acquiring the correct locks in the correct order;
+it is equivalent to having only one global lock.  This is how
+transactional memory is `generally described`__: as a way to efficiently
+execute such atomic blocks, running them in parallel while giving the
+illusion that they run in some serial order.
+.. __:
+However, the less obvious intended usage of atomic sections is as a
+wide-ranging replacement of explicit threads.  You can turn a program
+that is not multi-threaded at all into a program that uses threads
+internally, together with large atomic sections to keep the behavior
+unchanged.  This capability can be hidden in a library or in the
+framework you use; the end user's code does not need to be explicitly
+aware of using threads.  For a simple example of this, see
+`lib_pypy/`_.  The idea is that if you have a program
+where the function ``f(key, value)`` runs on every item of some big
+dictionary, you can replace the loop with::
+    for key, value in bigdict.items():
+        transaction.add(f, key, value)
+This code runs the various calls to ``f(key, value)`` using a thread
+pool, but every single call is done in an atomic section.  The end
+result is that the behavior should be exactly equivalent: you don't get
+any extra multithreading issue.
+.. _`lib_pypy/`:
+Other APIs in pypy-stm:
+* ``__pypy__.thread.getsegmentlimit()``: return the number of "segments"
+  in this pypy-stm.  This is the limit above which more threads will not
+  be able to execute on more cores.  (Right now it is limited to 4 due
+  to inter-segment overhead, but should be increased in the future.  It
+  should also be settable, and the default value should depend on the
+  number of actual CPUs.)
+* ``__pypy__.thread.exclusive_atomic``: same as ``atomic``, but
+  raises an exception if you attempt to nest it inside another
+  ``atomic``.
+* ``__pypy__.thread.signals_enabled``: a context manager that runs
+  its block with signals enabled.  By default, signals are only
+  enabled in the main thread; a non-main thread will not receive
+  signals (this is like CPython).  Enabling signals in non-main threads
+  is useful for libraries where threads are hidden and the end user is
+  not expecting his code to run elsewhere than in the main thread.
+Note that all of this API is (or will be) implemented in a regular PyPy
+too: for example, ``with atomic`` will simply mean "don't release the
+GIL" and ``getsegmentlimit()`` will return 1.
+Reference to implementation details
+The core of the implementation is in a separate C library called stmgc_,
+in the c7_ subdirectory.  Please see the `README.txt`_ for more
+.. _stmgc:
+.. _c7:
+.. _`README.txt`:
+PyPy itself adds on top of it the automatic placement of read__ and write__
+barriers and of `"becomes-inevitable-now" barriers`__, the logic to
+`start/stop transactions as an RPython transformation`__ and as
+`supporting`__ `C code`__, and the support in the JIT (mostly as a
+`transformation step on the trace`__ and generation of custom assembler
+in ``__).
+.. __:
+.. __:
+.. __:
+.. __:
+.. __:
+.. __:
+.. __:
+.. __:
diff --git a/pypy/doc/whatsnew-head.rst b/pypy/doc/whatsnew-head.rst
--- a/pypy/doc/whatsnew-head.rst
+++ b/pypy/doc/whatsnew-head.rst
@@ -127,3 +127,10 @@
 .. branch: win32-fixes4
 fix more tests for win32
+.. branch: latest-improve-doc
+Fix broken links in documentation
+.. branch: ast-issue1673
+fix ast classes __dict__ are always empty problem and fix the ast deepcopy 
issue when 
+there is missing field
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pypy/interpreter/astcompiler/ 
--- a/pypy/interpreter/astcompiler/
+++ b/pypy/interpreter/astcompiler/
@@ -49,13 +49,19 @@
         w_type = space.type(self)
         w_fields = w_type.getdictvalue(space, "_fields")
         for w_name in space.fixedview(w_fields):
-            space.setitem(w_dict, w_name,
+            try:
+                space.setitem(w_dict, w_name,
                           space.getattr(self, w_name))
+            except OperationError:
+                pass
         w_attrs = space.findattr(w_type, space.wrap("_attributes"))
         if w_attrs:
             for w_name in space.fixedview(w_attrs):
-                space.setitem(w_dict, w_name,
+                try:
+                    space.setitem(w_dict, w_name,
                               space.getattr(self, w_name))
+                except OperationError:
+                    pass
         return space.newtuple([space.type(self),
@@ -3090,7 +3096,8 @@
         w_self.setdictvalue(space, 'lineno', w_new_value)
         w_self.initialization_state &= ~1
-    w_self.deldictvalue(space, 'lineno')
+    # need to save the original object too
+    w_self.setdictvalue(space, 'lineno', w_new_value)
     w_self.initialization_state |= 1
 def stmt_del_lineno(space, w_self):
@@ -3117,7 +3124,8 @@
         w_self.setdictvalue(space, 'col_offset', w_new_value)
         w_self.initialization_state &= ~2
-    w_self.deldictvalue(space, 'col_offset')
+    # need to save the original object too
+    w_self.setdictvalue(space, 'col_offset', w_new_value)
     w_self.initialization_state |= 2
 def stmt_del_col_offset(space, w_self):
@@ -3155,7 +3163,8 @@
         w_self.setdictvalue(space, 'name', w_new_value)
         w_self.initialization_state &= ~4
-    w_self.deldictvalue(space, 'name')
+    # need to save the original object too
+    w_self.setdictvalue(space, 'name', w_new_value)
     w_self.initialization_state |= 4
 def FunctionDef_del_name(space, w_self):
@@ -3314,7 +3323,8 @@
         w_self.setdictvalue(space, 'name', w_new_value)
         w_self.initialization_state &= ~4
-    w_self.deldictvalue(space, 'name')
+    # need to save the original object too
+    w_self.setdictvalue(space, 'name', w_new_value)
     w_self.initialization_state |= 4
 def ClassDef_del_name(space, w_self):
@@ -4635,7 +4645,8 @@
         w_self.setdictvalue(space, 'module', w_new_value)
         w_self.initialization_state &= ~4
-    w_self.deldictvalue(space, 'module')
+    # need to save the original object too
+    w_self.setdictvalue(space, 'module', w_new_value)
     w_self.initialization_state |= 4
 def ImportFrom_del_module(space, w_self):
@@ -4684,7 +4695,8 @@
         w_self.setdictvalue(space, 'level', w_new_value)
         w_self.initialization_state &= ~16
-    w_self.deldictvalue(space, 'level')
+    # need to save the original object too
+    w_self.setdictvalue(space, 'level', w_new_value)
     w_self.initialization_state |= 16
 def ImportFrom_del_level(space, w_self):
@@ -4936,7 +4948,8 @@
         w_self.setdictvalue(space, 'lineno', w_new_value)
         w_self.initialization_state &= ~1
-    w_self.deldictvalue(space, 'lineno')
+    # need to save the original object too
+    w_self.setdictvalue(space, 'lineno', w_new_value)
     w_self.initialization_state |= 1
 def expr_del_lineno(space, w_self):
@@ -4963,7 +4976,8 @@
         w_self.setdictvalue(space, 'col_offset', w_new_value)
         w_self.initialization_state &= ~2
-    w_self.deldictvalue(space, 'col_offset')
+    # need to save the original object too
+    w_self.setdictvalue(space, 'col_offset', w_new_value)
     w_self.initialization_state |= 2
 def expr_del_col_offset(space, w_self):
@@ -6237,7 +6251,8 @@
         w_self.setdictvalue(space, 'n', w_new_value)
         w_self.initialization_state &= ~4
-    w_self.deldictvalue(space, 'n')
+    # need to save the original object too
+    w_self.setdictvalue(space, 'n', w_new_value)
     w_self.initialization_state |= 4
 def Num_del_n(space, w_self):
@@ -6288,7 +6303,8 @@
         w_self.setdictvalue(space, 's', w_new_value)
         w_self.initialization_state &= ~4
-    w_self.deldictvalue(space, 's')
+    # need to save the original object too
+    w_self.setdictvalue(space, 's', w_new_value)
     w_self.initialization_state |= 4
 def Str_del_s(space, w_self):
@@ -6339,7 +6355,8 @@
         w_self.setdictvalue(space, 's', w_new_value)
         w_self.initialization_state &= ~4
-    w_self.deldictvalue(space, 's')
+    # need to save the original object too
+    w_self.setdictvalue(space, 's', w_new_value)
     w_self.initialization_state |= 4
 def Bytes_del_s(space, w_self):
@@ -6438,7 +6455,8 @@
         w_self.setdictvalue(space, 'attr', w_new_value)
         w_self.initialization_state &= ~8
-    w_self.deldictvalue(space, 'attr')
+    # need to save the original object too
+    w_self.setdictvalue(space, 'attr', w_new_value)
     w_self.initialization_state |= 8
 def Attribute_del_attr(space, w_self):
@@ -6718,7 +6736,8 @@
         w_self.setdictvalue(space, 'id', w_new_value)
         w_self.initialization_state &= ~4
-    w_self.deldictvalue(space, 'id')
+    # need to save the original object too
+    w_self.setdictvalue(space, 'id', w_new_value)
     w_self.initialization_state |= 4
 def Name_del_id(space, w_self):
@@ -6953,7 +6972,8 @@
         w_self.setdictvalue(space, 'value', w_new_value)
         w_self.initialization_state &= ~4
-    w_self.deldictvalue(space, 'value')
+    # need to save the original object too
+    w_self.setdictvalue(space, 'value', w_new_value)
     w_self.initialization_state |= 4
 def Const_del_value(space, w_self):
@@ -7604,7 +7624,8 @@
         w_self.setdictvalue(space, 'lineno', w_new_value)
         w_self.initialization_state &= ~1
-    w_self.deldictvalue(space, 'lineno')
+    # need to save the original object too
+    w_self.setdictvalue(space, 'lineno', w_new_value)
     w_self.initialization_state |= 1
 def excepthandler_del_lineno(space, w_self):
@@ -7631,7 +7652,8 @@
         w_self.setdictvalue(space, 'col_offset', w_new_value)
         w_self.initialization_state &= ~2
-    w_self.deldictvalue(space, 'col_offset')
+    # need to save the original object too
+    w_self.setdictvalue(space, 'col_offset', w_new_value)
     w_self.initialization_state |= 2
 def excepthandler_del_col_offset(space, w_self):
@@ -7701,7 +7723,8 @@
         w_self.setdictvalue(space, 'name', w_new_value)
         w_self.initialization_state &= ~8
-    w_self.deldictvalue(space, 'name')
+    # need to save the original object too
+    w_self.setdictvalue(space, 'name', w_new_value)
     w_self.initialization_state |= 8
 def ExceptHandler_del_name(space, w_self):
@@ -7804,7 +7827,8 @@
         w_self.setdictvalue(space, 'vararg', w_new_value)
         w_self.initialization_state &= ~2
-    w_self.deldictvalue(space, 'vararg')
+    # need to save the original object too
+    w_self.setdictvalue(space, 'vararg', w_new_value)
     w_self.initialization_state |= 2
 def arguments_del_vararg(space, w_self):
@@ -7887,7 +7911,8 @@
         w_self.setdictvalue(space, 'kwarg', w_new_value)
         w_self.initialization_state &= ~16
-    w_self.deldictvalue(space, 'kwarg')
+    # need to save the original object too
+    w_self.setdictvalue(space, 'kwarg', w_new_value)
     w_self.initialization_state |= 16
 def arguments_del_kwarg(space, w_self):
@@ -8024,7 +8049,8 @@
         w_self.setdictvalue(space, 'arg', w_new_value)
         w_self.initialization_state &= ~1
-    w_self.deldictvalue(space, 'arg')
+    # need to save the original object too
+    w_self.setdictvalue(space, 'arg', w_new_value)
     w_self.initialization_state |= 1
 def arg_del_arg(space, w_self):
@@ -8107,7 +8133,8 @@
         w_self.setdictvalue(space, 'arg', w_new_value)
         w_self.initialization_state &= ~1
-    w_self.deldictvalue(space, 'arg')
+    # need to save the original object too
+    w_self.setdictvalue(space, 'arg', w_new_value)
     w_self.initialization_state |= 1
 def keyword_del_arg(space, w_self):
@@ -8190,7 +8217,8 @@
         w_self.setdictvalue(space, 'name', w_new_value)
         w_self.initialization_state &= ~1
-    w_self.deldictvalue(space, 'name')
+    # need to save the original object too
+    w_self.setdictvalue(space, 'name', w_new_value)
     w_self.initialization_state |= 1
 def alias_del_name(space, w_self):
@@ -8222,7 +8250,8 @@
         w_self.setdictvalue(space, 'asname', w_new_value)
         w_self.initialization_state &= ~2
-    w_self.deldictvalue(space, 'asname')
+    # need to save the original object too
+    w_self.setdictvalue(space, 'asname', w_new_value)
     w_self.initialization_state |= 2
 def alias_del_asname(space, w_self):
diff --git a/pypy/interpreter/astcompiler/tools/ 
--- a/pypy/interpreter/astcompiler/tools/
+++ b/pypy/interpreter/astcompiler/tools/
@@ -470,6 +470,7 @@
                         self.emit("raise OperationError(space.w_TypeError, "
                                   "space.w_None)", 3)
+                save_original_object = True
                 level = 2
                 if field.opt and field.type.value != "int":
                     self.emit("if space.is_w(w_new_value, space.w_None):", 2)
@@ -607,13 +608,19 @@
         w_type = space.type(self)
         w_fields = w_type.getdictvalue(space, "_fields")
         for w_name in space.fixedview(w_fields):
-            space.setitem(w_dict, w_name,
+            try:
+                space.setitem(w_dict, w_name,
                           space.getattr(self, w_name))
+            except OperationError:
+                pass
         w_attrs = space.findattr(w_type, space.wrap("_attributes"))
         if w_attrs:
             for w_name in space.fixedview(w_attrs):
-                space.setitem(w_dict, w_name,
+                try:
+                    space.setitem(w_dict, w_name,
                               space.getattr(self, w_name))
+                except OperationError:
+                    pass
         return space.newtuple([space.type(self),
diff --git a/pypy/module/_ast/test/ 
--- a/pypy/module/_ast/test/
+++ b/pypy/module/_ast/test/
@@ -403,3 +403,40 @@
         mod.body[0].body[0].handlers[0].lineno = 7
         mod.body[0].body[0].handlers[1].lineno = 6
         code = compile(mod, "<test>", "exec")
+    def test_dict_astNode(self):
+        import ast
+        num_node = ast.Num(n=2, lineno=2, col_offset=3)
+        dict_res = num_node.__dict__
+        assert dict_res == {'n':2, 'lineno':2, 'col_offset':3}
+    def test_issue1673_Num_notfullinit(self):
+        import ast
+        import copy
+        num_node = ast.Num(n=2,lineno=2)
+        assert num_node.n == 2
+        assert num_node.lineno == 2
+        num_node2 = copy.deepcopy(num_node)
+    def test_issue1673_Num_fullinit(self):
+        import ast
+        import copy 
+        num_node = ast.Num(n=2,lineno=2,col_offset=3)
+        num_node2 = copy.deepcopy(num_node)
+        assert num_node.n == num_node2.n
+        assert num_node.lineno == num_node2.lineno
+        assert num_node.col_offset == num_node2.col_offset
+        dict_res = num_node2.__dict__
+        assert dict_res == {'n':2, 'lineno':2, 'col_offset':3}
+    def test_issue1673_Str(self):
+        import ast
+        import copy
+        str_node = ast.Str(n=2,lineno=2)
+        assert str_node.n == 2
+        assert str_node.lineno == 2
+        str_node2 = copy.deepcopy(str_node)
+        dict_res = str_node2.__dict__
+        assert dict_res == {'n':2, 'lineno':2}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/rpython/tool/ b/rpython/tool/
--- a/rpython/tool/
+++ b/rpython/tool/
@@ -11,6 +11,9 @@
 def run_subprocess(executable, args, env=None, cwd=None):
     return _run(executable, args, env, cwd)
+shell_default = False
+if sys.platform == 'win32':
+    shell_default = True
 def _run(executable, args, env, cwd):   # unless overridden below
     if isinstance(args, str):
@@ -21,7 +24,9 @@
             args = [str(executable)]
             args = [str(executable)] + args
-        shell = False
+        # shell=True on unix-like is a known security vulnerability, but
+        # on windows shell=True does not properly propogate the env dict
+        shell = shell_default
     # Just before spawning the subprocess, do a gc.collect().  This
     # should help if we are running on top of PyPy, if the subprocess
diff --git a/rpython/translator/platform/ 
--- a/rpython/translator/platform/
+++ b/rpython/translator/platform/
@@ -414,7 +414,8 @@
             returncode, stdout, stderr = _run_subprocess(
-                ['/nologo', '/f', str(path.join('Makefile'))] + extra_opts)
+                ['/nologo', '/f', str(path.join('Makefile'))] + extra_opts,
+                env = self.c_environ)
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