Author: Armin Rigo <>
Branch: cffi-1.0
Changeset: r77185:8f7f3bfc278e
Date: 2015-05-07 23:28 +0200

Log:    in-progress

diff --git a/pypy/module/_cffi_backend/test/ 
--- a/pypy/module/_cffi_backend/test/
+++ b/pypy/module/_cffi_backend/test/
@@ -3,511 +3,535 @@
 from _cffi1 import recompiler     # needs to be at least cffi 1.0.0b3
 from rpython.tool.udir import udir
+from pypy.interpreter.gateway import unwrap_spec, interp2app
-_NUM_MOD = 0
-def verify(ffi, module_name, source):
-    global _NUM_MOD
-    c_file = str(udir.join('cffi_verify_%d.c' % _NUM_MOD))
-    _NUM_MOD += 1
+@unwrap_spec(cdef=str, module_name=str, source=str)
+def prepare(space, cdef, module_name, source):
+    module_name = '_CFFI_' + module_name
+    rdir = udir.ensure('recompiler', dir=1)
+    rdir.join('Python.h').write(
+        '#define PYPY_VERSION XX\n'
+        '#define PyMODINIT_FUNC /*exported*/\n'
+        )
+    c_file  = str(rdir.join('%s.c'  % module_name))
+    so_file = str(rdir.join('' % module_name))
+    ffi = FFI()
+    ffi.cdef(cdef)
     ffi.set_source(module_name, source)
-    xxx
-    return xxx
+    err = os.system("cd '%s' && gcc -shared -fPIC -g -I. '%s' -o '%s'" % (
+        str(rdir),
+        os.path.basename(c_file),
+        os.path.basename(so_file)))
+    if err != 0:
+        raise Exception("gcc error")
+    args_w = [space.wrap(module_name), space.wrap(so_file)]
+    return space.appexec(args_w, """(modulename, filename):
+        import imp
+        mod = imp.load_dynamic(modulename, filename)
+        return (mod.ffi, mod.lib)
+    """)
-def test_math_sin():
-    import math
-    ffi = FFI()
-    ffi.cdef("float sin(double); double cos(double);")
-    lib = verify(ffi, 'test_math_sin', '#include <math.h>')
-    assert lib.cos(1.43) == math.cos(1.43)
-def test_funcarg_ptr():
-    ffi = FFI()
-    ffi.cdef("int foo(int *);")
-    lib = verify(ffi, 'test_funcarg_ptr', 'int foo(int *p) { return *p; }')
-    assert[-12345]) == -12345
+class AppTestRecompiler:
+    spaceconfig = dict(usemodules=['_cffi_backend', 'imp'])
-def test_funcres_ptr():
-    ffi = FFI()
-    ffi.cdef("int *foo(void);")
-    lib = verify(ffi, 'test_funcres_ptr',
-                 'int *foo(void) { static int x=-12345; return &x; }')
-    assert[0] == -12345
+    def setup_class(cls):
+        cls.w_prepare =
-def test_global_var_array():
-    ffi = FFI()
-    ffi.cdef("int a[100];")
-    lib = verify(ffi, 'test_global_var_array', 'int a[100] = { 9999 };')
-    lib.a[42] = 123456
-    assert lib.a[42] == 123456
-    assert lib.a[0] == 9999
+    def test_math_sin(self):
+        import math
+        ffi, lib = self.prepare("float sin(double); double cos(double);",
+                                'test_math_sin',
+                                '#include <math.h>')
+        assert lib.cos(1.43) == math.cos(1.43)
-def test_verify_typedef():
-    ffi = FFI()
-    ffi.cdef("typedef int **foo_t;")
-    lib = verify(ffi, 'test_verify_typedef', 'typedef int **foo_t;')
-    assert ffi.sizeof("foo_t") == ffi.sizeof("void *")
+    def test_funcarg_ptr():
+        ffi = FFI()
+        ffi.cdef("int foo(int *);")
+        lib = verify(ffi, 'test_funcarg_ptr', 'int foo(int *p) { return *p; }')
+        assert[-12345]) == -12345
-def test_verify_typedef_dotdotdot():
-    ffi = FFI()
-    ffi.cdef("typedef ... foo_t;")
-    verify(ffi, 'test_verify_typedef_dotdotdot', 'typedef int **foo_t;')
+    def test_funcres_ptr():
+        ffi = FFI()
+        ffi.cdef("int *foo(void);")
+        lib = verify(ffi, 'test_funcres_ptr',
+                     'int *foo(void) { static int x=-12345; return &x; }')
+        assert[0] == -12345
-def test_verify_typedef_star_dotdotdot():
-    ffi = FFI()
-    ffi.cdef("typedef ... *foo_t;")
-    verify(ffi, 'test_verify_typedef_star_dotdotdot', 'typedef int **foo_t;')
+    def test_global_var_array():
+        ffi = FFI()
+        ffi.cdef("int a[100];")
+        lib = verify(ffi, 'test_global_var_array', 'int a[100] = { 9999 };')
+        lib.a[42] = 123456
+        assert lib.a[42] == 123456
+        assert lib.a[0] == 9999
-def test_global_var_int():
-    ffi = FFI()
-    ffi.cdef("int a, b, c;")
-    lib = verify(ffi, 'test_global_var_int', 'int a = 999, b, c;')
-    assert lib.a == 999
-    lib.a -= 1001
-    assert lib.a == -2
-    lib.a = -2147483648
-    assert lib.a == -2147483648
-    py.test.raises(OverflowError, "lib.a = 2147483648")
-    py.test.raises(OverflowError, "lib.a = -2147483649")
-    lib.b = 525      # try with the first access being in setattr, too
-    assert lib.b == 525
-    py.test.raises(AttributeError, "del lib.a")
-    py.test.raises(AttributeError, "del lib.c")
-    py.test.raises(AttributeError, "del lib.foobarbaz")
+    def test_verify_typedef():
+        ffi = FFI()
+        ffi.cdef("typedef int **foo_t;")
+        lib = verify(ffi, 'test_verify_typedef', 'typedef int **foo_t;')
+        assert ffi.sizeof("foo_t") == ffi.sizeof("void *")
-def test_macro():
-    ffi = FFI()
-    ffi.cdef("#define FOOBAR ...")
-    lib = verify(ffi, 'test_macro', "#define FOOBAR (-6912)")
-    assert lib.FOOBAR == -6912
-    py.test.raises(AttributeError, "lib.FOOBAR = 2")
+    def test_verify_typedef_dotdotdot():
+        ffi = FFI()
+        ffi.cdef("typedef ... foo_t;")
+        verify(ffi, 'test_verify_typedef_dotdotdot', 'typedef int **foo_t;')
-def test_macro_check_value():
-    # the value '-0x80000000' in C sources does not have a clear meaning
-    # to me; it appears to have a different effect than '-2147483648'...
-    # Moreover, on 32-bits, -2147483648 is actually equal to
-    # -2147483648U, which in turn is equal to 2147483648U and so positive.
-    vals = ['42', '-42', '0x80000000', '-2147483648',
-            '0', '9223372036854775809ULL',
-            '-9223372036854775807LL']
-    if sys.maxsize <= 2**32:
-        vals.remove('-2147483648')
-    ffi = FFI()
-    cdef_lines = ['#define FOO_%d_%d %s' % (i, j, vals[i])
-                  for i in range(len(vals))
-                  for j in range(len(vals))]
-    ffi.cdef('\n'.join(cdef_lines))
+    def test_verify_typedef_star_dotdotdot():
+        ffi = FFI()
+        ffi.cdef("typedef ... *foo_t;")
+        verify(ffi, 'test_verify_typedef_star_dotdotdot', 'typedef int 
-    verify_lines = ['#define FOO_%d_%d %s' % (i, j, vals[j])  # [j], not [i]
-                    for i in range(len(vals))
-                    for j in range(len(vals))]
-    lib = verify(ffi, 'test_macro_check_value_ok',
-                 '\n'.join(verify_lines))
-    #
-    for j in range(len(vals)):
-        c_got = int(vals[j].replace('U', '').replace('L', ''), 0)
-        c_compiler_msg = str(c_got)
-        if c_got > 0:
-            c_compiler_msg += ' (0x%x)' % (c_got,)
+    def test_global_var_int():
+        ffi = FFI()
+        ffi.cdef("int a, b, c;")
+        lib = verify(ffi, 'test_global_var_int', 'int a = 999, b, c;')
+        assert lib.a == 999
+        lib.a -= 1001
+        assert lib.a == -2
+        lib.a = -2147483648
+        assert lib.a == -2147483648
+        py.test.raises(OverflowError, "lib.a = 2147483648")
+        py.test.raises(OverflowError, "lib.a = -2147483649")
+        lib.b = 525      # try with the first access being in setattr, too
+        assert lib.b == 525
+        py.test.raises(AttributeError, "del lib.a")
+        py.test.raises(AttributeError, "del lib.c")
+        py.test.raises(AttributeError, "del lib.foobarbaz")
+    def test_macro():
+        ffi = FFI()
+        ffi.cdef("#define FOOBAR ...")
+        lib = verify(ffi, 'test_macro', "#define FOOBAR (-6912)")
+        assert lib.FOOBAR == -6912
+        py.test.raises(AttributeError, "lib.FOOBAR = 2")
+    def test_macro_check_value():
+        # the value '-0x80000000' in C sources does not have a clear meaning
+        # to me; it appears to have a different effect than '-2147483648'...
+        # Moreover, on 32-bits, -2147483648 is actually equal to
+        # -2147483648U, which in turn is equal to 2147483648U and so positive.
+        vals = ['42', '-42', '0x80000000', '-2147483648',
+                '0', '9223372036854775809ULL',
+                '-9223372036854775807LL']
+        if sys.maxsize <= 2**32:
+            vals.remove('-2147483648')
+        ffi = FFI()
+        cdef_lines = ['#define FOO_%d_%d %s' % (i, j, vals[i])
+                      for i in range(len(vals))
+                      for j in range(len(vals))]
+        ffi.cdef('\n'.join(cdef_lines))
+        verify_lines = ['#define FOO_%d_%d %s' % (i, j, vals[j])  # [j], not 
+                        for i in range(len(vals))
+                        for j in range(len(vals))]
+        lib = verify(ffi, 'test_macro_check_value_ok',
+                     '\n'.join(verify_lines))
-        for i in range(len(vals)):
-            attrname = 'FOO_%d_%d' % (i, j)
-            if i == j:
-                x = getattr(lib, attrname)
-                assert x == c_got
-            else:
-                e = py.test.raises(ffi.error, getattr, lib, attrname)
-                assert str(e.value) == (
-                    "the C compiler says '%s' is equal to "
-                    "%s, but the cdef disagrees" % (attrname, c_compiler_msg))
+        for j in range(len(vals)):
+            c_got = int(vals[j].replace('U', '').replace('L', ''), 0)
+            c_compiler_msg = str(c_got)
+            if c_got > 0:
+                c_compiler_msg += ' (0x%x)' % (c_got,)
+            #
+            for i in range(len(vals)):
+                attrname = 'FOO_%d_%d' % (i, j)
+                if i == j:
+                    x = getattr(lib, attrname)
+                    assert x == c_got
+                else:
+                    e = py.test.raises(ffi.error, getattr, lib, attrname)
+                    assert str(e.value) == (
+                        "the C compiler says '%s' is equal to "
+                        "%s, but the cdef disagrees" % (attrname, 
-def test_constant():
-    ffi = FFI()
-    ffi.cdef("static const int FOOBAR;")
-    lib = verify(ffi, 'test_constant', "#define FOOBAR (-6912)")
-    assert lib.FOOBAR == -6912
-    py.test.raises(AttributeError, "lib.FOOBAR = 2")
+    def test_constant():
+        ffi = FFI()
+        ffi.cdef("static const int FOOBAR;")
+        lib = verify(ffi, 'test_constant', "#define FOOBAR (-6912)")
+        assert lib.FOOBAR == -6912
+        py.test.raises(AttributeError, "lib.FOOBAR = 2")
-def test_constant_nonint():
-    ffi = FFI()
-    ffi.cdef("static const double FOOBAR;")
-    lib = verify(ffi, 'test_constant_nonint', "#define FOOBAR (-6912.5)")
-    assert lib.FOOBAR == -6912.5
-    py.test.raises(AttributeError, "lib.FOOBAR = 2")
+    def test_constant_nonint():
+        ffi = FFI()
+        ffi.cdef("static const double FOOBAR;")
+        lib = verify(ffi, 'test_constant_nonint', "#define FOOBAR (-6912.5)")
+        assert lib.FOOBAR == -6912.5
+        py.test.raises(AttributeError, "lib.FOOBAR = 2")
-def test_constant_ptr():
-    ffi = FFI()
-    ffi.cdef("static double *const FOOBAR;")
-    lib = verify(ffi, 'test_constant_ptr', "#define FOOBAR NULL")
-    assert lib.FOOBAR == ffi.NULL
-    assert ffi.typeof(lib.FOOBAR) == ffi.typeof("double *")
+    def test_constant_ptr():
+        ffi = FFI()
+        ffi.cdef("static double *const FOOBAR;")
+        lib = verify(ffi, 'test_constant_ptr', "#define FOOBAR NULL")
+        assert lib.FOOBAR == ffi.NULL
+        assert ffi.typeof(lib.FOOBAR) == ffi.typeof("double *")
-def test_dir():
-    ffi = FFI()
-    ffi.cdef("int ff(int); int aa; static const int my_constant;")
-    lib = verify(ffi, 'test_dir', """
-        #define my_constant  (-45)
-        int aa;
-        int ff(int x) { return x+aa; }
-    """)
-    lib.aa = 5
-    assert dir(lib) == ['aa', 'ff', 'my_constant']
+    def test_dir():
+        ffi = FFI()
+        ffi.cdef("int ff(int); int aa; static const int my_constant;")
+        lib = verify(ffi, 'test_dir', """
+            #define my_constant  (-45)
+            int aa;
+            int ff(int x) { return x+aa; }
+        """)
+        lib.aa = 5
+        assert dir(lib) == ['aa', 'ff', 'my_constant']
-def test_verify_opaque_struct():
-    ffi = FFI()
-    ffi.cdef("struct foo_s;")
-    lib = verify(ffi, 'test_verify_opaque_struct', "struct foo_s;")
-    assert ffi.typeof("struct foo_s").cname == "struct foo_s"
+    def test_verify_opaque_struct():
+        ffi = FFI()
+        ffi.cdef("struct foo_s;")
+        lib = verify(ffi, 'test_verify_opaque_struct', "struct foo_s;")
+        assert ffi.typeof("struct foo_s").cname == "struct foo_s"
-def test_verify_opaque_union():
-    ffi = FFI()
-    ffi.cdef("union foo_s;")
-    lib = verify(ffi, 'test_verify_opaque_union', "union foo_s;")
-    assert ffi.typeof("union foo_s").cname == "union foo_s"
+    def test_verify_opaque_union():
+        ffi = FFI()
+        ffi.cdef("union foo_s;")
+        lib = verify(ffi, 'test_verify_opaque_union', "union foo_s;")
+        assert ffi.typeof("union foo_s").cname == "union foo_s"
-def test_verify_struct():
-    ffi = FFI()
-    ffi.cdef("""struct foo_s { int b; short a; ...; };
-                struct bar_s { struct foo_s *f; };""")
-    lib = verify(ffi, 'test_verify_struct',
-                 """struct foo_s { short a; int b; };
+    def test_verify_struct():
+        ffi = FFI()
+        ffi.cdef("""struct foo_s { int b; short a; ...; };
                     struct bar_s { struct foo_s *f; };""")
-    ffi.typeof("struct bar_s *")
-    p ="struct foo_s *", {'a': -32768, 'b': -2147483648})
-    assert p.a == -32768
-    assert p.b == -2147483648
-    py.test.raises(OverflowError, "p.a -= 1")
-    py.test.raises(OverflowError, "p.b -= 1")
-    q ="struct bar_s *", {'f': p})
-    assert q.f == p
-    #
-    assert ffi.offsetof("struct foo_s", "a") == 0
-    assert ffi.offsetof("struct foo_s", "b") == 4
-    #
-    py.test.raises(TypeError, ffi.addressof, p)
-    assert ffi.addressof(p[0]) == p
-    assert ffi.typeof(ffi.addressof(p[0])) is ffi.typeof("struct foo_s *")
-    assert ffi.typeof(ffi.addressof(p, "b")) is ffi.typeof("int *")
-    assert ffi.addressof(p, "b")[0] == p.b
+        lib = verify(ffi, 'test_verify_struct',
+                     """struct foo_s { short a; int b; };
+                        struct bar_s { struct foo_s *f; };""")
+        ffi.typeof("struct bar_s *")
+        p ="struct foo_s *", {'a': -32768, 'b': -2147483648})
+        assert p.a == -32768
+        assert p.b == -2147483648
+        py.test.raises(OverflowError, "p.a -= 1")
+        py.test.raises(OverflowError, "p.b -= 1")
+        q ="struct bar_s *", {'f': p})
+        assert q.f == p
+        #
+        assert ffi.offsetof("struct foo_s", "a") == 0
+        assert ffi.offsetof("struct foo_s", "b") == 4
+        #
+        py.test.raises(TypeError, ffi.addressof, p)
+        assert ffi.addressof(p[0]) == p
+        assert ffi.typeof(ffi.addressof(p[0])) is ffi.typeof("struct foo_s *")
+        assert ffi.typeof(ffi.addressof(p, "b")) is ffi.typeof("int *")
+        assert ffi.addressof(p, "b")[0] == p.b
-def test_verify_exact_field_offset():
-    ffi = FFI()
-    ffi.cdef("""struct foo_s { int b; short a; };""")
-    lib = verify(ffi, 'test_verify_exact_field_offset',
-                 """struct foo_s { short a; int b; };""")
-    e = py.test.raises(ffi.error,, "struct foo_s *", [])    # lazily
-    assert str(e.value) == ("struct foo_s: wrong offset for field 'b' (cdef "
-                       'says 0, but C compiler says 4). fix it or use "...;" '
-                       "in the cdef for struct foo_s to make it flexible")
+    def test_verify_exact_field_offset():
+        ffi = FFI()
+        ffi.cdef("""struct foo_s { int b; short a; };""")
+        lib = verify(ffi, 'test_verify_exact_field_offset',
+                     """struct foo_s { short a; int b; };""")
+        e = py.test.raises(ffi.error,, "struct foo_s *", [])    # 
+        assert str(e.value) == ("struct foo_s: wrong offset for field 'b' 
(cdef "
+                           'says 0, but C compiler says 4). fix it or use 
"...;" '
+                           "in the cdef for struct foo_s to make it flexible")
-def test_type_caching():
-    ffi1 = FFI(); ffi1.cdef("struct foo_s;")
-    ffi2 = FFI(); ffi2.cdef("struct foo_s;")    # different one!
-    lib1 = verify(ffi1, 'test_type_caching_1', 'struct foo_s;')
-    lib2 = verify(ffi2, 'test_type_caching_2', 'struct foo_s;')
-    # shared types
-    assert ffi1.typeof("long") is ffi2.typeof("long")
-    assert ffi1.typeof("long**") is ffi2.typeof("long * *")
-    assert ffi1.typeof("long(*)(int, ...)") is ffi2.typeof("long(*)(int, ...)")
-    # non-shared types
-    assert ffi1.typeof("struct foo_s") is not ffi2.typeof("struct foo_s")
-    assert ffi1.typeof("struct foo_s *") is not ffi2.typeof("struct foo_s *")
-    assert ffi1.typeof("struct foo_s*(*)()") is not (
-        ffi2.typeof("struct foo_s*(*)()"))
-    assert ffi1.typeof("void(*)(struct foo_s*)") is not (
-        ffi2.typeof("void(*)(struct foo_s*)"))
+    def test_type_caching():
+        ffi1 = FFI(); ffi1.cdef("struct foo_s;")
+        ffi2 = FFI(); ffi2.cdef("struct foo_s;")    # different one!
+        lib1 = verify(ffi1, 'test_type_caching_1', 'struct foo_s;')
+        lib2 = verify(ffi2, 'test_type_caching_2', 'struct foo_s;')
+        # shared types
+        assert ffi1.typeof("long") is ffi2.typeof("long")
+        assert ffi1.typeof("long**") is ffi2.typeof("long * *")
+        assert ffi1.typeof("long(*)(int, ...)") is ffi2.typeof("long(*)(int, 
+        # non-shared types
+        assert ffi1.typeof("struct foo_s") is not ffi2.typeof("struct foo_s")
+        assert ffi1.typeof("struct foo_s *") is not ffi2.typeof("struct foo_s 
+        assert ffi1.typeof("struct foo_s*(*)()") is not (
+            ffi2.typeof("struct foo_s*(*)()"))
+        assert ffi1.typeof("void(*)(struct foo_s*)") is not (
+            ffi2.typeof("void(*)(struct foo_s*)"))
-def test_verify_enum():
-    ffi = FFI()
-    ffi.cdef("""enum e1 { B1, A1, ... }; enum e2 { B2, A2, ... };""")
-    lib = verify(ffi, 'test_verify_enum',
-                 "enum e1 { A1, B1, C1=%d };" % sys.maxsize +
-                 "enum e2 { A2, B2, C2 };")
-    ffi.typeof("enum e1")
-    ffi.typeof("enum e2")
-    assert lib.A1 == 0
-    assert lib.B1 == 1
-    assert lib.A2 == 0
-    assert lib.B2 == 1
-    assert ffi.sizeof("enum e1") == ffi.sizeof("long")
-    assert ffi.sizeof("enum e2") == ffi.sizeof("int")
-    assert repr(ffi.cast("enum e1", 0)) == "<cdata 'enum e1' 0: A1>"
+    def test_verify_enum():
+        ffi = FFI()
+        ffi.cdef("""enum e1 { B1, A1, ... }; enum e2 { B2, A2, ... };""")
+        lib = verify(ffi, 'test_verify_enum',
+                     "enum e1 { A1, B1, C1=%d };" % sys.maxsize +
+                     "enum e2 { A2, B2, C2 };")
+        ffi.typeof("enum e1")
+        ffi.typeof("enum e2")
+        assert lib.A1 == 0
+        assert lib.B1 == 1
+        assert lib.A2 == 0
+        assert lib.B2 == 1
+        assert ffi.sizeof("enum e1") == ffi.sizeof("long")
+        assert ffi.sizeof("enum e2") == ffi.sizeof("int")
+        assert repr(ffi.cast("enum e1", 0)) == "<cdata 'enum e1' 0: A1>"
-def test_duplicate_enum():
-    ffi = FFI()
-    ffi.cdef("enum e1 { A1, ... }; enum e2 { A1, ... };")
-    py.test.raises(VerificationError, verify, ffi, 'test_duplicate_enum',
-                    "enum e1 { A1 }; enum e2 { B1 };")
+    def test_duplicate_enum():
+        ffi = FFI()
+        ffi.cdef("enum e1 { A1, ... }; enum e2 { A1, ... };")
+        py.test.raises(VerificationError, verify, ffi, 'test_duplicate_enum',
+                        "enum e1 { A1 }; enum e2 { B1 };")
-def test_dotdotdot_length_of_array_field():
-    ffi = FFI()
-    ffi.cdef("struct foo_s { int a[...]; int b[...]; };")
-    verify(ffi, 'test_dotdotdot_length_of_array_field',
-           "struct foo_s { int a[42]; int b[11]; };")
-    assert ffi.sizeof("struct foo_s") == (42 + 11) * 4
-    p ="struct foo_s *")
-    assert p.a[41] == p.b[10] == 0
-    py.test.raises(IndexError, "p.a[42]")
-    py.test.raises(IndexError, "p.b[11]")
+    def test_dotdotdot_length_of_array_field():
+        ffi = FFI()
+        ffi.cdef("struct foo_s { int a[...]; int b[...]; };")
+        verify(ffi, 'test_dotdotdot_length_of_array_field',
+               "struct foo_s { int a[42]; int b[11]; };")
+        assert ffi.sizeof("struct foo_s") == (42 + 11) * 4
+        p ="struct foo_s *")
+        assert p.a[41] == p.b[10] == 0
+        py.test.raises(IndexError, "p.a[42]")
+        py.test.raises(IndexError, "p.b[11]")
-def test_dotdotdot_global_array():
-    ffi = FFI()
-    ffi.cdef("int aa[...]; int bb[...];")
-    lib = verify(ffi, 'test_dotdotdot_global_array',
-                 "int aa[41]; int bb[12];")
-    assert ffi.sizeof(lib.aa) == 41 * 4
-    assert ffi.sizeof( == 12 * 4
-    assert lib.aa[40] ==[11] == 0
-    py.test.raises(IndexError, "lib.aa[41]")
-    py.test.raises(IndexError, "[12]")
+    def test_dotdotdot_global_array():
+        ffi = FFI()
+        ffi.cdef("int aa[...]; int bb[...];")
+        lib = verify(ffi, 'test_dotdotdot_global_array',
+                     "int aa[41]; int bb[12];")
+        assert ffi.sizeof(lib.aa) == 41 * 4
+        assert ffi.sizeof( == 12 * 4
+        assert lib.aa[40] ==[11] == 0
+        py.test.raises(IndexError, "lib.aa[41]")
+        py.test.raises(IndexError, "[12]")
-def test_misdeclared_field_1():
-    ffi = FFI()
-    ffi.cdef("struct foo_s { int a[5]; };")
-    verify(ffi, 'test_misdeclared_field_1',
-           "struct foo_s { int a[6]; };")
-    assert ffi.sizeof("struct foo_s") == 24  # found by the actual C code
-    p ="struct foo_s *")
-    # lazily build the fields and boom:
-    e = py.test.raises(ffi.error, "p.a")
-    assert str(e.value).startswith("struct foo_s: wrong size for field 'a' "
-                                   "(cdef says 20, but C compiler says 24)")
+    def test_misdeclared_field_1():
+        ffi = FFI()
+        ffi.cdef("struct foo_s { int a[5]; };")
+        verify(ffi, 'test_misdeclared_field_1',
+               "struct foo_s { int a[6]; };")
+        assert ffi.sizeof("struct foo_s") == 24  # found by the actual C code
+        p ="struct foo_s *")
+        # lazily build the fields and boom:
+        e = py.test.raises(ffi.error, "p.a")
+        assert str(e.value).startswith("struct foo_s: wrong size for field 'a' 
+                                       "(cdef says 20, but C compiler says 
-def test_open_array_in_struct():
-    ffi = FFI()
-    ffi.cdef("struct foo_s { int b; int a[]; };")
-    verify(ffi, 'test_open_array_in_struct',
-           "struct foo_s { int b; int a[]; };")
-    assert ffi.sizeof("struct foo_s") == 4
-    p ="struct foo_s *", [5, [10, 20, 30]])
-    assert p.a[2] == 30
+    def test_open_array_in_struct():
+        ffi = FFI()
+        ffi.cdef("struct foo_s { int b; int a[]; };")
+        verify(ffi, 'test_open_array_in_struct',
+               "struct foo_s { int b; int a[]; };")
+        assert ffi.sizeof("struct foo_s") == 4
+        p ="struct foo_s *", [5, [10, 20, 30]])
+        assert p.a[2] == 30
-def test_math_sin_type():
-    ffi = FFI()
-    ffi.cdef("double sin(double);")
-    lib = verify(ffi, 'test_math_sin_type', '#include <math.h>')
-    # 'lib.sin' is typed as a <built-in method> object on lib
-    assert ffi.typeof(lib.sin).cname == "double(*)(double)"
-    # 'x' is another <built-in method> object on lib, made very indirectly
-    x = type(lib).__dir__.__get__(lib)
-    py.test.raises(TypeError, ffi.typeof, x)
+    def test_math_sin_type():
+        ffi = FFI()
+        ffi.cdef("double sin(double);")
+        lib = verify(ffi, 'test_math_sin_type', '#include <math.h>')
+        # 'lib.sin' is typed as a <built-in method> object on lib
+        assert ffi.typeof(lib.sin).cname == "double(*)(double)"
+        # 'x' is another <built-in method> object on lib, made very indirectly
+        x = type(lib).__dir__.__get__(lib)
+        py.test.raises(TypeError, ffi.typeof, x)
-def test_verify_anonymous_struct_with_typedef():
-    ffi = FFI()
-    ffi.cdef("typedef struct { int a; long b; ...; } foo_t;")
-    verify(ffi, 'test_verify_anonymous_struct_with_typedef',
-           "typedef struct { long b; int hidden, a; } foo_t;")
-    p ="foo_t *", {'b': 42})
-    assert p.b == 42
-    assert repr(p).startswith("<cdata 'foo_t *' ")
+    def test_verify_anonymous_struct_with_typedef():
+        ffi = FFI()
+        ffi.cdef("typedef struct { int a; long b; ...; } foo_t;")
+        verify(ffi, 'test_verify_anonymous_struct_with_typedef',
+               "typedef struct { long b; int hidden, a; } foo_t;")
+        p ="foo_t *", {'b': 42})
+        assert p.b == 42
+        assert repr(p).startswith("<cdata 'foo_t *' ")
-def test_verify_anonymous_struct_with_star_typedef():
-    ffi = FFI()
-    ffi.cdef("typedef struct { int a; long b; } *foo_t;")
-    verify(ffi, 'test_verify_anonymous_struct_with_star_typedef',
-           "typedef struct { int a; long b; } *foo_t;")
-    p ="foo_t", {'b': 42})
-    assert p.b == 42
+    def test_verify_anonymous_struct_with_star_typedef():
+        ffi = FFI()
+        ffi.cdef("typedef struct { int a; long b; } *foo_t;")
+        verify(ffi, 'test_verify_anonymous_struct_with_star_typedef',
+               "typedef struct { int a; long b; } *foo_t;")
+        p ="foo_t", {'b': 42})
+        assert p.b == 42
-def test_verify_anonymous_enum_with_typedef():
-    ffi = FFI()
-    ffi.cdef("typedef enum { AA, ... } e1;")
-    lib = verify(ffi, 'test_verify_anonymous_enum_with_typedef1',
-                 "typedef enum { BB, CC, AA } e1;")
-    assert lib.AA == 2
-    assert ffi.sizeof("e1") == ffi.sizeof("int")
-    assert repr(ffi.cast("e1", 2)) == "<cdata 'e1' 2: AA>"
-    #
-    ffi = FFI()
-    ffi.cdef("typedef enum { AA=%d } e1;" % sys.maxsize)
-    lib = verify(ffi, 'test_verify_anonymous_enum_with_typedef2',
-                 "typedef enum { AA=%d } e1;" % sys.maxsize)
-    assert lib.AA == sys.maxsize
-    assert ffi.sizeof("e1") == ffi.sizeof("long")
+    def test_verify_anonymous_enum_with_typedef():
+        ffi = FFI()
+        ffi.cdef("typedef enum { AA, ... } e1;")
+        lib = verify(ffi, 'test_verify_anonymous_enum_with_typedef1',
+                     "typedef enum { BB, CC, AA } e1;")
+        assert lib.AA == 2
+        assert ffi.sizeof("e1") == ffi.sizeof("int")
+        assert repr(ffi.cast("e1", 2)) == "<cdata 'e1' 2: AA>"
+        #
+        ffi = FFI()
+        ffi.cdef("typedef enum { AA=%d } e1;" % sys.maxsize)
+        lib = verify(ffi, 'test_verify_anonymous_enum_with_typedef2',
+                     "typedef enum { AA=%d } e1;" % sys.maxsize)
+        assert lib.AA == sys.maxsize
+        assert ffi.sizeof("e1") == ffi.sizeof("long")
-def test_unique_types():
-    CDEF = "struct foo_s; union foo_u; enum foo_e { AA };"
-    ffi1 = FFI(); ffi1.cdef(CDEF); verify(ffi1, "test_unique_types_1", CDEF)
-    ffi2 = FFI(); ffi2.cdef(CDEF); verify(ffi2, "test_unique_types_2", CDEF)
-    #
-    assert ffi1.typeof("char") is ffi2.typeof("char ")
-    assert ffi1.typeof("long") is ffi2.typeof("signed long int")
-    assert ffi1.typeof("double *") is ffi2.typeof("double*")
-    assert ffi1.typeof("int ***") is ffi2.typeof(" int * * *")
-    assert ffi1.typeof("int[]") is ffi2.typeof("signed int[]")
-    assert ffi1.typeof("signed int*[17]") is ffi2.typeof("int *[17]")
-    assert ffi1.typeof("void") is ffi2.typeof("void")
-    assert ffi1.typeof("int(*)(int,int)") is ffi2.typeof("int(*)(int,int)")
-    #
-    # these depend on user-defined data, so should not be shared
-    for name in ["struct foo_s",
-                 "union foo_u *",
-                 "enum foo_e",
-                 "struct foo_s *(*)()",
-                 "void(*)(struct foo_s *)",
-                 "struct foo_s *(*[5])[8]",
-                 ]:
-        assert ffi1.typeof(name) is not ffi2.typeof(name)
-    # sanity check: twice 'ffi1'
-    assert ffi1.typeof("struct foo_s*") is ffi1.typeof("struct foo_s *")
+    def test_unique_types():
+        CDEF = "struct foo_s; union foo_u; enum foo_e { AA };"
+        ffi1 = FFI(); ffi1.cdef(CDEF); verify(ffi1, "test_unique_types_1", 
+        ffi2 = FFI(); ffi2.cdef(CDEF); verify(ffi2, "test_unique_types_2", 
+        #
+        assert ffi1.typeof("char") is ffi2.typeof("char ")
+        assert ffi1.typeof("long") is ffi2.typeof("signed long int")
+        assert ffi1.typeof("double *") is ffi2.typeof("double*")
+        assert ffi1.typeof("int ***") is ffi2.typeof(" int * * *")
+        assert ffi1.typeof("int[]") is ffi2.typeof("signed int[]")
+        assert ffi1.typeof("signed int*[17]") is ffi2.typeof("int *[17]")
+        assert ffi1.typeof("void") is ffi2.typeof("void")
+        assert ffi1.typeof("int(*)(int,int)") is ffi2.typeof("int(*)(int,int)")
+        #
+        # these depend on user-defined data, so should not be shared
+        for name in ["struct foo_s",
+                     "union foo_u *",
+                     "enum foo_e",
+                     "struct foo_s *(*)()",
+                     "void(*)(struct foo_s *)",
+                     "struct foo_s *(*[5])[8]",
+                     ]:
+            assert ffi1.typeof(name) is not ffi2.typeof(name)
+        # sanity check: twice 'ffi1'
+        assert ffi1.typeof("struct foo_s*") is ffi1.typeof("struct foo_s *")
-def test_module_name_in_package():
-    ffi = FFI()
-    ffi.cdef("int foo(int);")
-    recompiler.recompile(ffi, "test_module_name_in_package.mymod",
-                         "int foo(int x) { return x + 32; }",
-                         tmpdir=str(udir))
-    old_sys_path = sys.path[:]
-    try:
-        package_dir = udir.join('test_module_name_in_package')
-        assert os.path.isdir(str(package_dir))
-        assert len(os.listdir(str(package_dir))) > 0
-        package_dir.join('').write('')
-        #
-        sys.path.insert(0, str(udir))
-        import test_module_name_in_package.mymod
-        assert == 42
-    finally:
-        sys.path[:] = old_sys_path
+    def test_module_name_in_package():
+        ffi = FFI()
+        ffi.cdef("int foo(int);")
+        recompiler.recompile(ffi, "test_module_name_in_package.mymod",
+                             "int foo(int x) { return x + 32; }",
+                             tmpdir=str(udir))
+        old_sys_path = sys.path[:]
+        try:
+            package_dir = udir.join('test_module_name_in_package')
+            assert os.path.isdir(str(package_dir))
+            assert len(os.listdir(str(package_dir))) > 0
+            package_dir.join('').write('')
+            #
+            sys.path.insert(0, str(udir))
+            import test_module_name_in_package.mymod
+            assert == 42
+        finally:
+            sys.path[:] = old_sys_path
-def test_bad_size_of_global_1():
-    ffi = FFI()
-    ffi.cdef("short glob;")
-    lib = verify(ffi, "test_bad_size_of_global_1", "long glob;")
-    py.test.raises(ffi.error, "lib.glob")
+    def test_bad_size_of_global_1():
+        ffi = FFI()
+        ffi.cdef("short glob;")
+        lib = verify(ffi, "test_bad_size_of_global_1", "long glob;")
+        py.test.raises(ffi.error, "lib.glob")
-def test_bad_size_of_global_2():
-    ffi = FFI()
-    ffi.cdef("int glob[10];")
-    lib = verify(ffi, "test_bad_size_of_global_2", "int glob[9];")
-    e = py.test.raises(ffi.error, "lib.glob")
-    assert str(e.value) == ("global variable 'glob' should be 40 bytes "
-                            "according to the cdef, but is actually 36")
+    def test_bad_size_of_global_2():
+        ffi = FFI()
+        ffi.cdef("int glob[10];")
+        lib = verify(ffi, "test_bad_size_of_global_2", "int glob[9];")
+        e = py.test.raises(ffi.error, "lib.glob")
+        assert str(e.value) == ("global variable 'glob' should be 40 bytes "
+                                "according to the cdef, but is actually 36")
-def test_unspecified_size_of_global():
-    ffi = FFI()
-    ffi.cdef("int glob[];")
-    lib = verify(ffi, "test_unspecified_size_of_global", "int glob[10];")
-    lib.glob    # does not crash
+    def test_unspecified_size_of_global():
+        ffi = FFI()
+        ffi.cdef("int glob[];")
+        lib = verify(ffi, "test_unspecified_size_of_global", "int glob[10];")
+        lib.glob    # does not crash
-def test_include_1():
-    ffi1 = FFI()
-    ffi1.cdef("typedef double foo_t;")
-    verify(ffi1, "test_include_1_parent", "typedef double foo_t;")
-    ffi = FFI()
-    ffi.include(ffi1)
-    ffi.cdef("foo_t ff1(foo_t);")
-    lib = verify(ffi, "test_include_1", "double ff1(double x) { return 42.5; 
-    assert lib.ff1(0) == 42.5
+    def test_include_1():
+        ffi1 = FFI()
+        ffi1.cdef("typedef double foo_t;")
+        verify(ffi1, "test_include_1_parent", "typedef double foo_t;")
+        ffi = FFI()
+        ffi.include(ffi1)
+        ffi.cdef("foo_t ff1(foo_t);")
+        lib = verify(ffi, "test_include_1", "double ff1(double x) { return 
42.5; }")
+        assert lib.ff1(0) == 42.5
-def test_include_1b():
-    ffi1 = FFI()
-    ffi1.cdef("int foo1(int);")
-    verify(ffi1, "test_include_1b_parent", "int foo1(int x) { return x + 10; 
-    ffi = FFI()
-    ffi.include(ffi1)
-    ffi.cdef("int foo2(int);")
-    lib = verify(ffi, "test_include_1b", "int foo2(int x) { return x - 5; }")
-    assert lib.foo2(42) == 37
-    assert lib.foo1(42) == 52
+    def test_include_1b():
+        ffi1 = FFI()
+        ffi1.cdef("int foo1(int);")
+        verify(ffi1, "test_include_1b_parent", "int foo1(int x) { return x + 
10; }")
+        ffi = FFI()
+        ffi.include(ffi1)
+        ffi.cdef("int foo2(int);")
+        lib = verify(ffi, "test_include_1b", "int foo2(int x) { return x - 5; 
+        assert lib.foo2(42) == 37
+        assert lib.foo1(42) == 52
-def test_include_2():
-    ffi1 = FFI()
-    ffi1.cdef("struct foo_s { int x, y; };")
-    verify(ffi1, "test_include_2_parent", "struct foo_s { int x, y; };")
-    ffi = FFI()
-    ffi.include(ffi1)
-    ffi.cdef("struct foo_s *ff2(struct foo_s *);")
-    lib = verify(ffi, "test_include_2",
-                 "struct foo_s { int x, y; }; //usually from a #include\n"
-                 "struct foo_s *ff2(struct foo_s *p) { p->y++; return p; }")
-    p ="struct foo_s *")
-    p.y = 41
-    q = lib.ff2(p)
-    assert q == p
-    assert p.y == 42
+    def test_include_2():
+        ffi1 = FFI()
+        ffi1.cdef("struct foo_s { int x, y; };")
+        verify(ffi1, "test_include_2_parent", "struct foo_s { int x, y; };")
+        ffi = FFI()
+        ffi.include(ffi1)
+        ffi.cdef("struct foo_s *ff2(struct foo_s *);")
+        lib = verify(ffi, "test_include_2",
+                     "struct foo_s { int x, y; }; //usually from a #include\n"
+                     "struct foo_s *ff2(struct foo_s *p) { p->y++; return p; 
+        p ="struct foo_s *")
+        p.y = 41
+        q = lib.ff2(p)
+        assert q == p
+        assert p.y == 42
-def test_include_3():
-    ffi1 = FFI()
-    ffi1.cdef("typedef short sshort_t;")
-    verify(ffi1, "test_include_3_parent", "typedef short sshort_t;")
-    ffi = FFI()
-    ffi.include(ffi1)
-    ffi.cdef("sshort_t ff3(sshort_t);")
-    lib = verify(ffi, "test_include_3",
-                 "typedef short sshort_t; //usually from a #include\n"
-                 "sshort_t ff3(sshort_t x) { return x + 42; }")
-    assert lib.ff3(10) == 52
-    assert ffi.typeof(ffi.cast("sshort_t", 42)) is ffi.typeof("short")
+    def test_include_3():
+        ffi1 = FFI()
+        ffi1.cdef("typedef short sshort_t;")
+        verify(ffi1, "test_include_3_parent", "typedef short sshort_t;")
+        ffi = FFI()
+        ffi.include(ffi1)
+        ffi.cdef("sshort_t ff3(sshort_t);")
+        lib = verify(ffi, "test_include_3",
+                     "typedef short sshort_t; //usually from a #include\n"
+                     "sshort_t ff3(sshort_t x) { return x + 42; }")
+        assert lib.ff3(10) == 52
+        assert ffi.typeof(ffi.cast("sshort_t", 42)) is ffi.typeof("short")
-def test_include_4():
-    ffi1 = FFI()
-    ffi1.cdef("typedef struct { int x; } mystruct_t;")
-    verify(ffi1, "test_include_4_parent",
-           "typedef struct { int x; } mystruct_t;")
-    ffi = FFI()
-    ffi.include(ffi1)
-    ffi.cdef("mystruct_t *ff4(mystruct_t *);")
-    lib = verify(ffi, "test_include_4",
-           "typedef struct {int x; } mystruct_t; //usually from a #include\n"
-           "mystruct_t *ff4(mystruct_t *p) { p->x += 42; return p; }")
-    p ="mystruct_t *", [10])
-    q = lib.ff4(p)
-    assert q == p
-    assert p.x == 52
+    def test_include_4():
+        ffi1 = FFI()
+        ffi1.cdef("typedef struct { int x; } mystruct_t;")
+        verify(ffi1, "test_include_4_parent",
+               "typedef struct { int x; } mystruct_t;")
+        ffi = FFI()
+        ffi.include(ffi1)
+        ffi.cdef("mystruct_t *ff4(mystruct_t *);")
+        lib = verify(ffi, "test_include_4",
+               "typedef struct {int x; } mystruct_t; //usually from a 
+               "mystruct_t *ff4(mystruct_t *p) { p->x += 42; return p; }")
+        p ="mystruct_t *", [10])
+        q = lib.ff4(p)
+        assert q == p
+        assert p.x == 52
-def test_include_5():
-    py.test.xfail("also fails in 0.9.3")
-    ffi1 = FFI()
-    ffi1.cdef("typedef struct { int x; } *mystruct_p;")
-    verify(ffi1, "test_include_5_parent",
-           "typedef struct { int x; } *mystruct_p;")
-    ffi = FFI()
-    ffi.include(ffi1)
-    ffi.cdef("mystruct_p ff5(mystruct_p);")
-    lib = verify(ffi, "test_include_5",
-           "typedef struct {int x; } *mystruct_p; //usually from a #include\n"
-           "mystruct_p ff5(mystruct_p p) { p->x += 42; return p; }")
-    p ="mystruct_p", [10])
-    q = lib.ff5(p)
-    assert q == p
-    assert p.x == 52
+    def test_include_5():
+        py.test.xfail("also fails in 0.9.3")
+        ffi1 = FFI()
+        ffi1.cdef("typedef struct { int x; } *mystruct_p;")
+        verify(ffi1, "test_include_5_parent",
+               "typedef struct { int x; } *mystruct_p;")
+        ffi = FFI()
+        ffi.include(ffi1)
+        ffi.cdef("mystruct_p ff5(mystruct_p);")
+        lib = verify(ffi, "test_include_5",
+               "typedef struct {int x; } *mystruct_p; //usually from a 
+               "mystruct_p ff5(mystruct_p p) { p->x += 42; return p; }")
+        p ="mystruct_p", [10])
+        q = lib.ff5(p)
+        assert q == p
+        assert p.x == 52
-def test_include_6():
-    ffi1 = FFI()
-    ffi1.cdef("typedef ... mystruct_t;")
-    verify(ffi1, "test_include_6_parent",
-           "typedef struct _mystruct_s mystruct_t;")
-    ffi = FFI()
-    ffi.include(ffi1)
-    ffi.cdef("mystruct_t *ff6(void); int ff6b(mystruct_t *);")
-    lib = verify(ffi, "test_include_6",
-           "typedef struct _mystruct_s mystruct_t; //usually from a #include\n"
-           "struct _mystruct_s { int x; };\n"
-           "static mystruct_t result_struct = { 42 };\n"
-           "mystruct_t *ff6(void) { return &result_struct; }\n"
-           "int ff6b(mystruct_t *p) { return p->x; }")
-    p = lib.ff6()
-    assert ffi.cast("int *", p)[0] == 42
-    assert lib.ff6b(p) == 42
+    def test_include_6():
+        ffi1 = FFI()
+        ffi1.cdef("typedef ... mystruct_t;")
+        verify(ffi1, "test_include_6_parent",
+               "typedef struct _mystruct_s mystruct_t;")
+        ffi = FFI()
+        ffi.include(ffi1)
+        ffi.cdef("mystruct_t *ff6(void); int ff6b(mystruct_t *);")
+        lib = verify(ffi, "test_include_6",
+               "typedef struct _mystruct_s mystruct_t; //usually from a 
+               "struct _mystruct_s { int x; };\n"
+               "static mystruct_t result_struct = { 42 };\n"
+               "mystruct_t *ff6(void) { return &result_struct; }\n"
+               "int ff6b(mystruct_t *p) { return p->x; }")
+        p = lib.ff6()
+        assert ffi.cast("int *", p)[0] == 42
+        assert lib.ff6b(p) == 42
-def test_include_7():
-    ffi1 = FFI()
-    ffi1.cdef("typedef ... mystruct_t;\n"
-              "int ff7b(mystruct_t *);")
-    verify(ffi1, "test_include_7_parent",
-           "typedef struct { int x; } mystruct_t;\n"
-           "int ff7b(mystruct_t *p) { return p->x; }")
-    ffi = FFI()
-    ffi.include(ffi1)
-    ffi.cdef("mystruct_t *ff7(void);")
-    lib = verify(ffi, "test_include_7",
-           "typedef struct { int x; } mystruct_t; //usually from a #include\n"
-           "static mystruct_t result_struct = { 42 };"
-           "mystruct_t *ff7(void) { return &result_struct; }")
-    p = lib.ff7()
-    assert ffi.cast("int *", p)[0] == 42
-    assert lib.ff7b(p) == 42
+    def test_include_7():
+        ffi1 = FFI()
+        ffi1.cdef("typedef ... mystruct_t;\n"
+                  "int ff7b(mystruct_t *);")
+        verify(ffi1, "test_include_7_parent",
+               "typedef struct { int x; } mystruct_t;\n"
+               "int ff7b(mystruct_t *p) { return p->x; }")
+        ffi = FFI()
+        ffi.include(ffi1)
+        ffi.cdef("mystruct_t *ff7(void);")
+        lib = verify(ffi, "test_include_7",
+               "typedef struct { int x; } mystruct_t; //usually from a 
+               "static mystruct_t result_struct = { 42 };"
+               "mystruct_t *ff7(void) { return &result_struct; }")
+        p = lib.ff7()
+        assert ffi.cast("int *", p)[0] == 42
+        assert lib.ff7b(p) == 42
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