Author: fijal
Branch: extradoc
Changeset: r5558:e11054f8dc0a
Date: 2015-09-30 16:25 +0200

Log:    start working on the talk

diff --git a/talk/pyconza2015/talk.rst b/talk/pyconza2015/talk.rst
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/talk/pyconza2015/talk.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+How PyPy runs your program
+About me
+* PyPy core developer for 8 years
+* running consulting business
+This talk
+The idea is to learn:
+* how pypy runs your programs
+* how to assess the performance of your program
+* additionally, why a lot of common folklore is not true
+The basics of PyPy
+* python interpreter, just that
+* uses magic to run code faster (most of the time)
+* different base, not written in C
+PyPy - the wider angle
+* download it, should come in your distribution
+* x86, x86_64, arm; windows, os x, linux
+* open source (MIT)
+PyPy - usage
+* mostly long running server programs
+* call C using cffi, a lot of libraries just work
+* use virtualenv (you should anyway)
+PyPy - magic
+* just in time compiler, replaces bytecode to assembler under your feet
+* takes a while to warm up, which defeats most short running programs
+* most of the time faster, sometimes slower
+* heavily optimizing, tons of heuristics for **typical** python programs
+PyPy - smallish example
+* take python code
+* run python in interpreted mode (slow)
+* run python in meta-interpreter mode (VERY SLOW)
+* compile to optimized assembler
+* repeat if necessary
+Tracing JIT
+* follow what the program is doing
+* enter special mode where all the operations are recorded
+* compile the recorded list of operations
+* add a bunch of "guards" that check that we're following the correct path
+  and correct optimizations
+* if guard fails, jump to interpreter
+* if guard fails enough jump to metainterpreter
+* repeat until all the paths are compiled to assembler
+* you need a metric (response time, number of requests)
+* the less you're trying to measure, the better
+* benchmarks are a vast improvement
+* repeatability is the key
+Optimization for dummies
+* Obligatory citation
+  - *premature optimization is the root of all evil* (D. Knuth)
+* Pareto principle, or 80-20 rule
+  - 80% of the time will be spent in 20% of the program
+  - 20% of 1 mln is 200 000
+* Two golden rules:
+  1. Identify the slow spots
+  2. Optimize them
+Guidos points about optimizing python
+xxx find the link
+Why we're here?
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