Author: Richard Plangger <>
Branch: s390x-backend
Changeset: r81501:79c8712b54e0
Date: 2015-12-30 16:31 +0100

Log:    wrong operation (SG instead of STG) lead to substraction instead of
        64bit store, test_exception is now passing!

diff --git a/rpython/jit/backend/test/ 
--- a/rpython/jit/backend/test/
+++ b/rpython/jit/backend/test/
@@ -65,7 +65,6 @@
     def execute_operations(self, inputargs, operations, result_type):
         looptoken = JitCellToken()
         self.cpu.compile_loop(inputargs, operations, looptoken)
-        #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
         args = []
         for box in inputargs:
             if box.type == 'i':
@@ -4980,7 +4979,6 @@
     def test_increment_debug_counter(self):
         foo = lltype.malloc(rffi.CArray(lltype.Signed), 1, flavor='raw')
         foo[0] = 1789200
-        print "addr" , hex(rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, foo))
                                [ConstInt(rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, foo))],
@@ -5006,12 +5004,11 @@
             addr = llmemory.cast_ptr_to_adr(a)
             a_int = heaptracker.adr2int(addr)
             a_ref = lltype.cast_opaque_ptr(llmemory.GCREF, a)
-            for (start, length) in [(0,100), (49, 49), (1, 98),
+            for (start, length) in [(0, 100), (49, 49), (1, 98),
                                     (15, 9), (10, 10), (47, 0),
                                     (0, 4)]:
                 for cls1 in [ConstInt, InputArgInt]:
                     for cls2 in [ConstInt, InputArgInt]:
-                        print 'ptr:', hex(rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, a_ref))
                         print 'a_int:', a_int
                         print 'of:', OF
                         print 'start:', cls1.__name__, start
@@ -5049,10 +5046,6 @@
                         scalebox = ConstInt(arraydescr.itemsize)
                         inputargs, oplist = 
-                        # XXX
-                        print("input:", inputargs)
-                        for op in oplist:
-                            print(op)
                         self.execute_operations(inputargs, oplist, 'void')
                         assert len(a) == 100
                         for i in range(100):
diff --git a/rpython/jit/backend/zarch/ 
--- a/rpython/jit/backend/zarch/
+++ b/rpython/jit/backend/zarch/
@@ -295,9 +295,9 @@
         # f) store the address of the new jitframe in the shadowstack
         # c) set the gcmap field to 0 in the new jitframe
         # g) restore registers and return
+        mc = InstrBuilder()
+ = mc
-        mc = PPCBuilder()
- = mc
         # signature of this _frame_realloc_slowpath function:
         #   * on entry, r0 is the new size
@@ -305,13 +305,13 @@
         #   * no managed register must be modified
         ofs2 = self.cpu.get_ofs_of_frame_field('jf_gcmap')
-, r.SPP.value, ofs2)
+        mc.STG(r.r2, l.addr(ofs2, r.SPP))
         # Save away the LR inside r30
-        mc.mflr(r.RCS1.value)
+        #mc.mflr(r.RCS1.value)
         # First argument is SPP (= r31), which is the jitframe, r.SPP.value)
@@ -493,6 +493,7 @@
         ofs = self.cpu.unpack_fielddescr(descrs.arraydescr.lendescr)
         #mc.LG(r.r2, l.addr(ofs, r.SPP))
         patch_pos = mc.currpos()
         #mc.TRAP2()     # placeholder for cmpdi(0, r2, ...)
         #mc.TRAP2()     # placeholder for bge
         #mc.TRAP2()     # placeholder for li(r0, ...)
@@ -664,8 +665,8 @@
         # if self.propagate_exception_path == 0 (tests), this may jump to 0
         # and segfaults.  too bad.  the alternative is to continue anyway
         # with r2==0, but that will segfault too.
+, self.propagate_exception_path), l.imm(0), imm=True)
-, self.propagate_exception_path), r.RETURN)
     def regalloc_push(self, loc, already_pushed):
@@ -843,6 +844,7 @@
         for traps_pos, jmp_target in self.frame_depth_to_patch:
             pmc = OverwritingBuilder(, traps_pos, 3)
             # three traps, so exactly three instructions to patch here
+            xxx
             #pmc.cmpdi(0, r.r2.value, frame_depth)         # 1
             #pmc.bc(7, 0, jmp_target - (traps_pos + 4))    # 2   "bge+"
   , frame_depth)               # 3
@@ -1111,6 +1113,158 @@
         ptr = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, gcmap)
         mc.load_imm(reg, ptr)
+    def malloc_cond_varsize_frame(self, nursery_free_adr, nursery_top_adr,
+                                  sizeloc, gcmap):
+        xxx
+        diff = nursery_top_adr - nursery_free_adr
+        assert _check_imm_arg(diff)
+        mc =
+        mc.load_imm(r.r2, nursery_free_adr)
+        if sizeloc is r.RES:
+  , r.RES.value)
+            sizeloc = r.RSZ
+        mc.load(r.RES.value, r.r2.value, 0)         # load nursery_free
+        mc.load(r.SCRATCH.value, r.r2.value, diff)  # load nursery_top
+        mc.add(r.RSZ.value, r.RES.value, sizeloc.value)
+        mc.cmp_op(0, r.RSZ.value, r.SCRATCH.value, signed=False)
+        fast_jmp_pos = mc.currpos()
+        mc.trap()        # conditional jump, patched later
+        # new value of nursery_free_adr in RSZ and the adr of the new object
+        # in RES.
+        self.load_gcmap(mc, r.r2, gcmap)
+        mc.bl_abs(self.malloc_slowpath)
+        offset = mc.currpos() - fast_jmp_pos
+        pmc = OverwritingBuilder(mc, fast_jmp_pos, 1)
+        pmc.bc(7, 1, offset)    # jump if LE (not GT), predicted to be true
+        pmc.overwrite()
+, r.r2.value, 0)    # store into nursery_free
+    def malloc_cond_varsize(self, kind, nursery_free_adr, nursery_top_adr,
+                            lengthloc, itemsize, maxlength, gcmap,
+                            arraydescr):
+        xxx
+        from rpython.jit.backend.llsupport.descr import ArrayDescr
+        assert isinstance(arraydescr, ArrayDescr)
+        # lengthloc is the length of the array, which we must not modify!
+        assert lengthloc is not r.RES and lengthloc is not r.RSZ
+        assert lengthloc.is_reg()
+        if maxlength > 2**16-1:
+            maxlength = 2**16-1      # makes things easier
+        mc =
+        mc.cmp_op(0, lengthloc.value, maxlength, imm=True, signed=False)
+        jmp_adr0 = mc.currpos()
+        mc.trap()       # conditional jump, patched later
+        # ------------------------------------------------------------
+        # block of code for the case: the length is <= maxlength
+        diff = nursery_top_adr - nursery_free_adr
+        assert _check_imm_arg(diff)
+        mc.load_imm(r.r2, nursery_free_adr)
+        varsizeloc = self._multiply_by_constant(lengthloc, itemsize,
+                                                r.RSZ)
+        # varsizeloc is either RSZ here, or equal to lengthloc if
+        # itemsize == 1.  It is the size of the variable part of the
+        # array, in bytes.
+        mc.load(r.RES.value, r.r2.value, 0)         # load nursery_free
+        mc.load(r.SCRATCH.value, r.r2.value, diff)  # load nursery_top
+        assert arraydescr.basesize >= self.gc_minimal_size_in_nursery
+        constsize = arraydescr.basesize + self.gc_size_of_header
+        force_realignment = (itemsize % WORD) != 0
+        if force_realignment:
+            constsize += WORD - 1
+        mc.addi(r.RSZ.value, varsizeloc.value, constsize)
+        if force_realignment:
+            # "& ~(WORD-1)"
+            bit_limit = 60 if WORD == 8 else 61
+            mc.rldicr(r.RSZ.value, r.RSZ.value, 0, bit_limit)
+        mc.add(r.RSZ.value, r.RES.value, r.RSZ.value)
+        # now RSZ contains the total size in bytes, rounded up to a multiple
+        # of WORD, plus nursery_free_adr
+        mc.cmp_op(0, r.RSZ.value, r.SCRATCH.value, signed=False)
+        jmp_adr1 = mc.currpos()
+        mc.trap()        # conditional jump, patched later
+        # ------------------------------------------------------------
+        # block of code for two cases: either the length is > maxlength
+        # (jump from jmp_adr0), or the length is small enough but there
+        # is not enough space in the nursery (fall-through)
+        #
+        offset = mc.currpos() - jmp_adr0
+        pmc = OverwritingBuilder(mc, jmp_adr0, 1)
+        pmc.bgt(offset)    # jump if GT
+        pmc.overwrite()
+        #
+        # save the gcmap
+        self.load_gcmap(mc, r.r2, gcmap)
+        #
+        # load the function to call into CTR
+        if kind == rewrite.FLAG_ARRAY:
+            addr = self.malloc_slowpath_varsize
+        elif kind == rewrite.FLAG_STR:
+            addr = self.malloc_slowpath_str
+        elif kind == rewrite.FLAG_UNICODE:
+            addr = self.malloc_slowpath_unicode
+        else:
+            raise AssertionError(kind)
+        mc.load_imm(r.SCRATCH, addr)
+        mc.mtctr(r.SCRATCH.value)
+        #
+        # load the argument(s)
+        if kind == rewrite.FLAG_ARRAY:
+  , lengthloc.value)
+            mc.load_imm(r.RES, itemsize)
+            mc.load_imm(r.SCRATCH, arraydescr.tid)
+        else:
+  , lengthloc.value)
+        #
+        # call!
+        mc.bctrl()
+        jmp_location = mc.currpos()
+        mc.trap()      # jump forward, patched later
+        # ------------------------------------------------------------
+        # block of code for the common case: the length is <= maxlength
+        # and there is enough space in the nursery
+        offset = mc.currpos() - jmp_adr1
+        pmc = OverwritingBuilder(mc, jmp_adr1, 1)
+        pmc.ble(offset)    # jump if LE
+        pmc.overwrite()
+        #
+        # write down the tid, but only in this case (not in other cases
+        # where r.RES is the result of the CALL)
+        mc.load_imm(r.SCRATCH, arraydescr.tid)
+, r.RES.value, 0)
+        # while we're at it, this line is not needed if we've done the CALL
+, r.r2.value, 0)    # store into nursery_free
+        # ------------------------------------------------------------
+        offset = mc.currpos() - jmp_location
+        pmc = OverwritingBuilder(mc, jmp_location, 1)
+        pmc.b(offset)    # jump always
+        pmc.overwrite()
 def notimplemented_op(asm, op, arglocs, regalloc):
     print "[ZARCH/asm] %s not implemented" % op.getopname()
     raise NotImplementedError(op)
diff --git a/rpython/jit/backend/zarch/ 
--- a/rpython/jit/backend/zarch/
+++ b/rpython/jit/backend/zarch/
@@ -746,8 +746,8 @@
         if resloc:
             mc.load(resloc, r.SCRATCH, 0)
         mc.LGHI(r.SCRATCH2, l.imm(0))
-        mc.SG(r.SCRATCH2, l.addr(0, r.SCRATCH))
-        mc.SG(r.SCRATCH2, l.addr(diff, r.SCRATCH))
+        mc.STG(r.SCRATCH2, l.addr(0, r.SCRATCH))
+        mc.STG(r.SCRATCH2, l.addr(diff, r.SCRATCH))
     def emit_save_exc_class(self, op, arglocs, regalloc):
         [resloc] = arglocs
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