Author: Armin Rigo <>
Branch: conditional_call_value_3
Changeset: r87023:503727324fab
Date: 2016-09-12 11:15 +0200

Log:    Implement COND_CALL_VALUE (code copied from

diff --git a/rpython/jit/backend/x86/ 
--- a/rpython/jit/backend/x86/
+++ b/rpython/jit/backend/x86/
@@ -174,8 +174,8 @@
         # copy registers to the frame, with the exception of the
         # 'cond_call_register_arguments' and eax, because these have already
         # been saved by the caller.  Note that this is not symmetrical:
-        # these 5 registers are saved by the caller but restored here at
-        # the end of this function.
+        # these 5 registers are saved by the caller but 4 of them are
+        # restored here at the end of this function.
         self._push_all_regs_to_frame(mc, cond_call_register_arguments + [eax],
                                      supports_floats, callee_only)
         # the caller already did push_gcmap(store=True)
@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@
             mc.ADD(esp, imm(WORD * 7))
         self.set_extra_stack_depth(mc, 0)
         self.pop_gcmap(mc)   # cancel the push_gcmap(store=True) in the caller
-        self._pop_all_regs_from_frame(mc, [], supports_floats, callee_only)
+        self._pop_all_regs_from_frame(mc, [eax], supports_floats, callee_only)
         return mc.materialize(self.cpu, [])
@@ -1703,7 +1703,8 @@
         # If the previous operation was a COND_CALL, overwrite its conditional
         # jump to jump over this GUARD_NO_EXCEPTION as well, if we can
-        if self._find_nearby_operation(-1).getopnum() == rop.COND_CALL:
+        if self._find_nearby_operation(-1).getopnum() in (
+                rop.COND_CALL, rop.COND_CALL_VALUE_I, rop.COND_CALL_VALUE_R):
             jmp_adr = self.previous_cond_call_jcond
             offset = - jmp_adr
             if offset <= 127:
@@ -2381,7 +2382,7 @@
     def label(self):
-    def cond_call(self, op, gcmap, imm_func, arglocs):
+    def cond_call(self, op, gcmap, imm_func, arglocs, resloc=None):
         assert self.guard_success_cc >= 0, 0)
                                                             # patched later
@@ -2394,11 +2395,14 @@
         # plus the register 'eax'
         base_ofs = self.cpu.get_baseofs_of_frame_field()
         should_be_saved = self._regalloc.rm.reg_bindings.values()
+        restore_eax = False
         for gpr in cond_call_register_arguments + [eax]:
-            if gpr not in should_be_saved:
+            if gpr not in should_be_saved or gpr is resloc:
             v = gpr_reg_mgr_cls.all_reg_indexes[gpr.value]
    * WORD + base_ofs, gpr.value)
+            if gpr is eax:
+                restore_eax = True
         # load the 0-to-4 arguments into these registers
         from rpython.jit.backend.x86.jump import remap_frame_layout
@@ -2422,8 +2426,16 @@
                 floats = True
         cond_call_adr = self.cond_call_slowpath[floats * 2 + callee_only]
+        # if this is a COND_CALL_VALUE, we need to move the result in place
+        if resloc is not None and resloc is not eax:
+  , eax)
         # restoring the registers saved above, and doing pop_gcmap(), is left
-        # to the cond_call_slowpath helper.  We never have any result value.
+        # to the cond_call_slowpath helper.  We must only restore eax, if
+        # needed.
+        if restore_eax:
+            v = gpr_reg_mgr_cls.all_reg_indexes[eax.value]
+  , v * WORD + base_ofs)
+        #
         offset = - jmp_adr
         assert 0 < offset <= 127, chr(offset))
diff --git a/rpython/jit/backend/x86/ 
--- a/rpython/jit/backend/x86/
+++ b/rpython/jit/backend/x86/
@@ -938,16 +938,28 @@
                     assert box not in self.rm.reg_bindings
-        assert op.type == 'v'
         args = op.getarglist()
         assert 2 <= len(args) <= 4 + 2     # maximum 4 arguments
-        v = args[1]
-        assert isinstance(v, Const)
-        imm_func = self.rm.convert_to_imm(v)
+        v_func = args[1]
+        assert isinstance(v_func, Const)
+        imm_func = self.rm.convert_to_imm(v_func)
         arglocs = [self.loc(args[i]) for i in range(2, len(args))]
         gcmap = self.get_gcmap()
-        self.load_condition_into_cc(op.getarg(0))
-        self.assembler.cond_call(op, gcmap, imm_func, arglocs)
+        if op.type == 'v':
+            # a plain COND_CALL
+            self.load_condition_into_cc(op.getarg(0))
+            resloc = None
+        else:
+            # COND_CALL_VALUE_I/R
+            condvalue_loc = self.loc(args[0])
+            assert not isinstance(condvalue_loc, ImmedLoc)
+            self.assembler.test_location(condvalue_loc)
+            self.assembler.guard_success_cc = rx86.Conditions['Z']
+            resloc = self.rm.force_result_in_reg(op, args[0])
+        self.assembler.cond_call(op, gcmap, imm_func, arglocs, resloc)
+    consider_cond_call_value_i = consider_cond_call
+    consider_cond_call_value_r = consider_cond_call
     def consider_call_malloc_nursery(self, op):
         size_box = op.getarg(0)
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