Author: Richard Plangger <>
Changeset: r90585:8a2bfc0d6823
Date: 2017-03-07 19:16 +0100

Log:    rewrite the first gsoc task, do not focus on the interp. size, but
        generally spot and solve issues where pypy keeps more memory

diff --git a/pypy/doc/project-ideas.rst b/pypy/doc/project-ideas.rst
--- a/pypy/doc/project-ideas.rst
+++ b/pypy/doc/project-ideas.rst
@@ -7,7 +7,12 @@
 PyPy is generally open to new ideas for Google Summer of Code. We are happy to 
accept good ideas around the PyPy ecosystem. If you need more information about 
the ideas we propose for this year please join us on irc, channel #pypy 
(freenode). If you are unsure, but still think that you can make a valuable 
contribution to PyPy, dont hesitate to contact us on #pypy or on our mailing 
-* **Optimize PyPy Memory Usage**: PyPy currently emits a small executable file 
and a large shared object file. To reduce the base interpreter size it may be 
helpful to have several shared object files that can be dynamically loaded if 
the module is needed. (Note: it is unclear if this would change anything at 
all.  Please make a small test first and report.)  There are several other 
potential places where we could improve.
+* **Optimize PyPy Memory Usage**:  Sometimes PyPy consumes more memory than 
+  Two examples: 1) PyPy seems allocate and keep many strings when importing a 
big Python modules.
+  2) The base interpreter size (cold VM started from a console) of PyPy is 
bigger than the one of CPython.
+  The general procedure of this project is: Run both CPython and PyPy of the 
same Python version and
+  compare the memory usage (using Massif or other tools).
+  If PyPy consumes a lot more memory then find and resolve the issue.
 * **VMProf + memory profiler**: vmprof by now has a memory profiler that can 
be used already. We want extend it with more features and resolve some current 
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