Matti Picus pushed to branch branch/py3.8 at PyPy / pypy

d8ae3bbe by Matti Picus at 2022-09-02T07:15:29-04:00
add info to debug _ssl dll copying, try to only copy first found dll

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c3d7f748 by Carl Friedrich Bolz-Tereick at 2022-09-02T13:02:41+02:00
try to not generate 300 variants of this function in C :-(

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5ccde865 by Carl Friedrich Bolz-Tereick at 2022-09-02T14:19:58+02:00
optimize inline_call_* by not creating the intermediate list of boxes

instead, fill the new frame directly (bit similar to call_valuestack in the
python interpreter)

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9cc94c4c by Carl Friedrich Bolz-Tereick at 2022-09-02T21:26:13+02:00
make sure the LivenessIterator gets inlined and optimized away

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6b91ab19 by Matti Picus at 2022-09-05T15:29:43-05:00
build cffi extensions without embedding in translation (issue 3737)

but rebuild them with embedding when packaging

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dace7a84 by Carl Friedrich Bolz-Tereick at 2022-09-07T12:51:00+02:00
setdefaultencoding is sometimes there, sometimes not ( removes it). just
skip the test if its missing.

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31015b73 by Carl Friedrich Bolz-Tereick at 2022-09-07T13:03:48+02:00
fix backend tests

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a0d956d7 by Matti Picus at 2022-09-08T13:03:04+03:00
fix/extend gc.hooks documentation

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f83864cd by Matti Picus at 2022-09-08T13:14:13+03:00
merge default

branch : py3.8

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8 changed files:

- lib_pypy/
- lib_pypy/pypy_tools/
- pypy/doc/gc_info.rst
- pypy/goal/
- pypy/objspace/std/test/
- pypy/tool/release/
- rpython/jit/codewriter/
- rpython/jit/metainterp/

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