
On Wed, Dec 15, 2010 at 6:21 PM, René Dudfield <ren...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Is pypy suitable for writing interpretor of vectorized language like
>> Matlab, R etc which vector and matrix are first class objects? This includes
>> matrix shape inference, and efficient linear algebra code generation.
> have you seen numpy/scipy?

The first aspect is simply if RPython would be suitable for writing an
interpreter for, say, Matlab.  The answer is "probably yes": PyPy
would be suitable for such dynamic languages, giving you a JIT
compiler for free.  I don't really know how complex the core of these
languages are, but I suspect not too much.

Of course you are then going to hit the same problems that Ademan
tries to solve for numpy/scipy, notably how to implement at least the
basic linear algebra operations in such a way that the JIT can improve
them.  There are various goals there, e.g. to turn Python (or Matlab)
code like A+B+C, adding three matrices together, into one matrix
operation instead of two (as it is now: (A+B)+C).  This is all a bit
experimental so far.

A bientôt,


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