On 30/03/11 19:37, fwierzbi...@gmail.com wrote:

> My thoughts here are taking a very primitive step - that is run the
> JVM translation and look at the generated Java - then see what needs
> to be modified so that I could use the generated Java parser from
> Jython. At this stage I would be using PyPy exactly the way I use
> ANTLR now - as a parser generator. There wouldn't be any need at all
> for calling into Java code (as far as I can think of). 

yes, I think it makes sense.
Actually, as Leonardo says we don't generate java code but assembler which is
converted to .class by jasmin. However, it should not change anything.

> I think if we
> Jython developers get some experience with PyPY - we might be able to
> help with the task of calling into Java from PyPy - since we know a
> bit about that :)

that would be extremely cool :-)

Ok, so if Ademan tells me that he's not going to work on the ootype-virtualref
branch, I'll try to finish the work so you can start playing with it.


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