I was trying to run the test file:

and was getting the following traceback:

If you look at the comment on line 17, it's trying to allocate much
more memory than I have.  I think it's a total of 21GB, while I only
have 4GB.  I'm using 64bit OpenSuSE 11.4 for my operating system. I
had the kernel setting overcommit_memory set to 0 (which may be part
of the problem).

Anyway, after I went into ll2ctypes.py and set far_regions to True, I
was able to successfully run the original test.  I don't think setting
far_regions to True is the correct solution to the problem, but
fiddling with kernel settings on my system is not ideal either.  What
would be a better overall solution?

If any clarification is needed let me know,

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