On Tue, May 3, 2011 at 9:44 AM, Ondrej Certik <ond...@certik.cz> wrote:
> On Tue, May 3, 2011 at 12:31 AM, Maciej Fijalkowski <fij...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Tue, May 3, 2011 at 9:22 AM, Ondrej Certik <ond...@certik.cz> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I have downloaded the pypy 1.5 binary (with jit) and run tests (only
>>> sympy/core, so that it's fast) on Ubuntu Natty, 64bit:
>>> ondrej@eagle:~/repos/sympy(master)$ bin/test sympy/core/
>>> ============================= test process starts 
>>> ==============================
>>> executable:   /usr/bin/python  (2.7.1-final-0)
>>> ground types: python
>>> sympy/core/tests/test_arit.py[48] 
>>> ...f..........................................
>>> ..                                                                          
>>> [OK]
>>> sympy/core/tests/test_assumptions.py[28] ....f.......................       
>>> [OK]
>>> sympy/core/tests/test_basic.py[10] ..........                               
>>> [OK]
>>> sympy/core/tests/test_cache.py[1] .                                         
>>> [OK]
>>> sympy/core/tests/test_complex.py[13] .............                          
>>> [OK]
>>> sympy/core/tests/test_containers.py[5] .....                                
>>> [OK]
>>> sympy/core/tests/test_count_ops.py[2] ..                                    
>>> [OK]
>>> sympy/core/tests/test_diff.py[6] ......                                     
>>> [OK]
>>> sympy/core/tests/test_equal.py[5] .....                                     
>>> [OK]
>>> sympy/core/tests/test_eval.py[8] .....f..                                   
>>> [OK]
>>> sympy/core/tests/test_eval_power.py[12] ............                        
>>> [OK]
>>> sympy/core/tests/test_evalf.py[23] .......................                  
>>> [OK]
>>> sympy/core/tests/test_expand.py[6] ......                                   
>>> [OK]
>>> sympy/core/tests/test_expr.py[60] 
>>> ..............................................
>>> ..............                                                              
>>> [OK]
>>> sympy/core/tests/test_exprtools.py[4] ....                                  
>>> [OK]
>>> sympy/core/tests/test_facts.py[11] ...........                              
>>> [OK]
>>> sympy/core/tests/test_functions.py[23] .....f.................              
>>> [OK]
>>> sympy/core/tests/test_logic.py[11] ...........                              
>>> [OK]
>>> sympy/core/tests/test_match.py[26] ...f......................               
>>> [OK]
>>> sympy/core/tests/test_numbers.py[47] 
>>> ...........................................
>>> ....                                                                        
>>> [OK]
>>> sympy/core/tests/test_operations.py[4] ....                                 
>>> [OK]
>>> sympy/core/tests/test_priority.py[5] .....                                  
>>> [OK]
>>> sympy/core/tests/test_relational.py[7] .......                              
>>> [OK]
>>> sympy/core/tests/test_sets.py[18] ..................                        
>>> [OK]
>>> sympy/core/tests/test_subs.py[30] ..............................            
>>> [OK]
>>> sympy/core/tests/test_symbol.py[9] .........                                
>>> [OK]
>>> sympy/core/tests/test_sympify.py[23] .......................                
>>> [OK]
>>> sympy/core/tests/test_truediv.py[3] ...                                     
>>> [OK]
>>> sympy/core/tests/test_var.py[5] .....                                       
>>> [OK]
>>> ======= tests finished: 448 passed, 5 expected to fail, in 2.90 seconds 
>>> ========
>>> ondrej@eagle:~/repos/sympy(master)$
>>> ~/Downloads/pypy-c-jit-43780-b590cf6de419-linux64/bin/pypy bin/test
>>> sympy/core/
>>> ============================= test process starts 
>>> ==============================
>>> executable:   
>>> /home/ondrej/Downloads/pypy-c-jit-43780-b590cf6de419-linux64/bin/pypy
>>>  (2.7.1-final-42)
>>> ground types: python
>>> sympy/core/tests/test_arit.py[48] 
>>> ...f..........................................
>>> ..                                                                          
>>> [OK]
>>> sympy/core/tests/test_assumptions.py[28] ....f.......................       
>>> [OK]
>>> sympy/core/tests/test_basic.py[10] ..........                               
>>> [OK]
>>> sympy/core/tests/test_cache.py[1] .                                         
>>> [OK]
>>> sympy/core/tests/test_complex.py[13] .............                          
>>> [OK]
>>> sympy/core/tests/test_containers.py[5] .....                                
>>> [OK]
>>> sympy/core/tests/test_count_ops.py[2] ..                                    
>>> [OK]
>>> sympy/core/tests/test_diff.py[6] ......                                     
>>> [OK]
>>> sympy/core/tests/test_equal.py[5] .....                                     
>>> [OK]
>>> sympy/core/tests/test_eval.py[8] .....f..                                   
>>> [OK]
>>> sympy/core/tests/test_eval_power.py[12] ............                        
>>> [OK]
>>> sympy/core/tests/test_evalf.py[23] .......................                  
>>> [OK]
>>> sympy/core/tests/test_expand.py[6] ......                                   
>>> [OK]
>>> sympy/core/tests/test_expr.py[60] 
>>> ..........F...................................
>>> ..............                                                            
>>> [FAIL]
>>> sympy/core/tests/test_exprtools.py[4] ....                                  
>>> [OK]
>>> sympy/core/tests/test_facts.py[11] ...........                              
>>> [OK]
>>> sympy/core/tests/test_functions.py[23] .....f.................              
>>> [OK]
>>> sympy/core/tests/test_logic.py[11] ...........                              
>>> [OK]
>>> sympy/core/tests/test_match.py[26] ...f......................               
>>> [OK]
>>> sympy/core/tests/test_numbers.py[47] 
>>> ...........................................
>>> ....                                                                        
>>> [OK]
>>> sympy/core/tests/test_operations.py[4] ....                                 
>>> [OK]
>>> sympy/core/tests/test_priority.py[5] .....                                  
>>> [OK]
>>> sympy/core/tests/test_relational.py[7] .......                              
>>> [OK]
>>> sympy/core/tests/test_sets.py[18] ..................                        
>>> [OK]
>>> sympy/core/tests/test_subs.py[30] ..............................            
>>> [OK]
>>> sympy/core/tests/test_symbol.py[9] .........                                
>>> [OK]
>>> sympy/core/tests/test_sympify.py[23] .......................                
>>> [OK]
>>> sympy/core/tests/test_truediv.py[3] ...                                     
>>> [OK]
>>> sympy/core/tests/test_var.py[5] .....                                       
>>> [OK]
>>> ________________________________________________________________________________
>>> _____________ sympy/core/tests/test_expr.py:test_as_leading_term3 
>>> ______________
>>>  File "/home/ondrej/repos/sympy/sympy/core/tests/test_expr.py", line
>>> 212, in test_as_leading_term3
>>>    assert (2*x+pi*x+x**2).as_leading_term(x) == (2+pi)*x
>>> AssertionError
>>> == tests finished: 447 passed, 1 failed, 5 expected to fail, in 13.87 
>>> seconds ==
>>> The test failure is probably some minor difference between CPython and
>>> PyPy.. However, as you can see, the test execution is 4x slower in
>>> PyPy, compared to CPython.
>>> Is this the supposed slow down, or is there something specific to sympy?
>>> I have also done this test in bin/isympy, CPython:
>>>>>> from timeit import default_timer as clock
>>>>>> t = clock(); a = expand((1+x+y+z)**20); clock()-t
>>> 1.4584941864
>>> PyPy:
>>>>>> from timeit import default_timer as clock
>>>>>> t = clock(); a = expand((1+x+y+z)**20); clock()-t
>>> 4.48898005486
>>> so PyPy is roughly 3x slower here.
>>> So 3x or 4x slower, I think that's already very usable. Especially the
>>> sandbox pypy is an awesome idea, for serving web apps. The only
>>> problem is that I use Cython a lot, which I think is incompatible with
>>> PyPy...
>>> Ondrej
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> pypy-dev@codespeak.net
>>> http://codespeak.net/mailman/listinfo/pypy-dev
>> Hey.
>> I think the test run is somehow within acceptable numbers (in theory
>> tests should run each code once, hence making JIT not really fit
>> well), however I think the other slowdown is not really acceptable. We
> Well, it is also only run once, so JIT probably doesn't help.
>> were looking for a while to include some sympy benchmarks to our
>> benchmark suite, maybe the good time is now :)
> SymPy uses caching, so maybe that's the problem. It is possible to
> turn it down though. Ping me if you have any questions, or run into
> any problems with sympy.
> Ondrej

That might sound strange but for me, both pypy and cpython runs within
4s. Which python you use?

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