2011/9/1 Armin Rigo <ar...@tunes.org>:
> Hi,
> The "stacklet" branch has been merged now.  The "_continuation" module
> is available on all PyPys with or without the JIT on x86 and x86-64
> since a few days, and it will of course be part of release 1.6.1.
> There is an almost-complete wrapper "greenlet.py".  For documentation
> and current limitations see here:
>    http://doc.pypy.org/en/latest/stackless.html .
> A bientôt,
> Armin.
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Hello Armin,
I'm interested in porting _stackless to stacklets (and also probably
making it inter-thread). Where can I find reference API documentation
for channels and tasklets because I think it's probably would be
simpler to rewrite some parts of code completely.

Best regards,
Alexander Sedov
pypy-dev mailing list

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