On 4/1/12 11:23 AM, Armin Rigo wrote:
Hi Andrew, hi all,

On Wed, Mar 28, 2012 at 18:23, Andrew Francis<andrewfr_...@yahoo.com>  wrote:
Indeed, and it was around 2007, so I expect the authors to have been
involved in completely different things for quite some time now...
But I could try to contact them anyway.
Communications is good :-)
I'm also thinking about writing a short paper collecting things I said
and think on various blog posts.  A kind of "position paper".  What do
others think of this idea?

My PyPy knowledge is still sketchy but I am changing that.  I do understand
the Twisted reactor model
  (thanks to my 2008 Pycon Talk) so I could follow discussions in that area.
Is this discussed on IRC?
This is not discussed a lot right now.  But it is apparently
relatively easy to adapt the epoll-based Twisted reactor to use the
'transaction' module.  (Again, this module is present in the stm-gc
branch; look for lib_pypy/transaction.py for the interface, and
pypy/module/transaction/* for the Python implementation on top of STM
as exposed by RPython.)  This 'transaction' module is also meant to be
used directly, for example in this kind of Python code:

     for n in range(...):

If each call to do_something() has "reasonable chances" to be
independent from other calls, and if the order doesn't matter, then it
can be rewritten as:

     for n in range(...):
         transaction.add(do_something, n)

In addition, each transaction can add more transactions that will be
run after it.  So if you want to play with lib_pypy/stackless.py to
add calls to 'transaction', feel free :-)  Maybe it will show that a
slightly different API is required from the 'transaction' module; I
don't really know so far.

Hi A(rmin|ndrew),

it is funny how familiar this code looks, re-writing it in terms of
Stackless and tasklets:

    for n in range(...):

In addition, each tasklet can add more tasklets that will be
run after it. So if you (...)

Well, sure, it is not much more than a simple match, and the tasklets
are more like sequences of transactions, when they give up their
computation by stackless.schedule(), that adds them back to the pool.

Anyway, the underlying ideas have similarities that make me think a lot.

Thinking of Stackless, I was looking for a way to isolate tasklets in
a way to let them run in parallel, as long as they are independent.

In STM, independence is enforced, currently at a relatively high

If Stackless were able to provide some better isolation by design,
maybe there could be a hybrid approach, where most operations would
not need to rely on STM all the time?

Just rolling ideas out  -- Chris

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