On 26/10/13 16:35, Armin Rigo wrote:

On Sat, Oct 26, 2013 at 10:25 AM, Maciej Fijalkowski <fij...@gmail.com> wrote:
about libffi.h - Apple removed /usr/include and moved it somewhere
else, no clue where. I also don't have access to Mavericks so I can't
fix it.
Ooooh.  Traditionally, "libffi.h" was put in unexpectedly varying
directories on every Linux distribution, just to make sure there was
no reliable way to find it, but that was resolved some time ago with
pkg-config.  Apple's move is on a completely different level: killing
the whole /usr/include is a perfect way to break compilation for every
open source project under the sun.  I'm impressed.

That is much less of a problem because there is homebrew, and I
use it for almost everything that I don't want to build/take care of.

About mavericks: can I help you out?
Works fine in a virtual machine using parallels, if you don't want
to change the system.

cheers - chris

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