
On 31 January 2015 at 20:43, Luciano Ramalho <luci...@ramalho.org> wrote:
> On Sat, Jan 31, 2015 at 4:32 PM, Gelin Yan <dynami...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>      I noticed pickle in pypy is slower than cPickle in python (faster than
>> pickle in python).
>>       Is it a feature?
> the feature is that nobody had to write it in C, yet it's faster.
> isn't that cool?

Our cPickle is written in pure Python:

    ``from pickle import *``

The speed of that is a bit slower than CPython's optimized C version,
yes.  If someone really cares about the performance of cPickle he
could attempt to port it to RPython code.  Likely, you need to start
from CPython's cPickle module and get the same C-ish style, instead of
starting from pickle.py.  In this case the goal is only performance,
so there wouldn't be much point if the result is only a little bit
faster than pickle.py-with-the-JIT-applied-to-it.

Finally, note that while we could hope getting up to the same speed as
CPython, we can't hope to be much *faster* than C code that is not
repeatedly interpreting anything; there is very little overhead to

A bientôt,

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