Thanks Maciej,

On 23/11/2015 14:45, Maciej Fijalkowski wrote:
as far as I remember, C extension in reportlab is optional. Just
disable it. If it's there for speedups, it's very likely it slows
things down on pypy.

I know that reportlab can run without the _rl_accel extension, but the one that's seg faulting is _renderPM which we use to create pix maps (ie raw rgb images). I don't have a python alternative for that so some RL features are unsupported. For PDF only pypy seems to work fine.

Reference count is a fake thing on pypy, don't use it if you can help it.

I think the reference counts are just used to try and see that the _rl_accel.pyd is doing the right thing wrt refcounts.

builtin codes have no filename, you have to somehow deal with it. I
think the problem comes from a fact that on cpython builtin functions
don't have code.

the test that fails is just trying to check doctests.


A bit of googling tells me I should be using platform.python_implementation() to check for pypy.
Robin Becker
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