
On 31 May 2018 at 14:35, divyam.agg22 <divyam.ag...@gmail.com> wrote:
> My name is Divyam and I am working on a large-scale discrete optimization
> problem. I have used Pypy earlier in order to improve the runtime of my
> python code. Now I am using some external packages in python such as
> Gurobipy, Docplex. Is it possible to use these packages with Pypy and if
> yes, how can I install these packages in Pypy?

Is the C/C++ source code of the Gurobipy extension module available
anywhere?  I didn't find it in 2015.  If it is not, then it can't be
used with PyPy because PyPy requires recompilation.

A bientôt,

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