I was using the version of PyQt distributed with SuSE 8.2. I purchased
BlackAdder (BA-personal-1.0-1_tkc-gcc32.i386.rpm) but elected not to
install their version of PyQt (BAPyQt-1.0-1_tkc_py22_gcc320.i586.rpm) for
a variety of reasons.

I am new to Qt and PyQt, but I've written a few programs now.  Wow!  PyQt
really makes the process painless and BA is quite nice too.

One of the programs I am working on needs to use QTable, so using the BA
IDE, I added the widget to the form and wrote the script which subclassed
the form.  The error message I got was "QTable not found."

After poking around a bit, I finally noticed QTable was in the PyQt file
list of BAPyQt-1.0-1_tkc_py22_gcc320.i586.rpm.  So, I uninstalled the SuSE
version of PyQt and installed the above rpm.

However, when I attempted to execute the python scripts, I still got the
"QTable not found" message.  I changed all "from qt import *" to "from ba
import *" and it does indeed find QTable.

Q1. What is going on with QTable?  Is it part of Qt?  Is it part of PyQt?
If it's part of Qt, will it ever be part of PyQt?

Q2. Changing "from qt import *" to "from ba import *" was just a concept
tester.  Clearly it isn't the correct way to accomplish the correct
import.  Does anyone have an idea how to convince BA to use "from ba
import *" instead of "from qt import *" ?



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