On Mon, 27 Oct 2003 13:36:08 -0500, Andrew Bushnell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

No as James pointed out in a separate email to me, the ; is not the problem and is ok syntax. I misspoke when I mentioned the ; as a potential issue (for some reason, I had it in my mind that I had problems when using the ; in some python code, but obviously I was mis-remembering..) See what I get for trying to help without actually trying the code:-) BTW, when I try the code specified, I get no problem, so I am not sure exactly the cause of the problem. I am using Python-2.3.2 and pyqt 3.8 with qt 3.2.2 on a Windows 2000 system.

Judging by the fact you are using 3.2.2 with no problems, and I"m using 2.3-nc, I suspect that the problem is somewhere in the interface from PyQt to QT 2.3
I will make a C++ program using QT 2.3-nc to verify that setCaption works there.

James Lamanna

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