I received the following Error when trying to build PyQt.




Generating the C++ source code for the qt module


sip: sip/qtmod.sip:33 parse error



I was using PyQt-x11-gpl-3.8.1 and sip-x11-gpl-4.0pre3.


Examining the file qtmod.sip, line 33 contains the following %C++code, Then examining the changelog for this version of SIP, on 2003/10/24 phil stated the following.

2003/10/23 18:28:27  phil
Renamed %C++Code to %TypeCode or %ModuleCode depending on the context.



Changing this line to %ModuleCode allowed it to go further. Then it died at line 23 of qglobal.sip. This line is as follows


%HeaderCode, this too is supposed to be renamed to %ModuleHeaderCode or the like.


So the question is. Have I downloaded the wrong packages, or should I keep pressing on making these little fixes ?


Any help would be appreciated.






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